OSW PVP Opt-in Rage...

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by Il-FIX-Il-pEsTiLeNcE-Il-FIX-ll, Jan 31, 2015.

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  1. You know that ZAFT's motto is "a hit on one is a hit on all" right?
  2. In fact - it's on your clan page 
  3. Support
  4. Lol
  5. And all know it their for bully's who would strip ppl for nothing
  6. I fully support the Op, if people involved dont want incs from players outside osw stay out of battle list. In other words dont cast the pvp spell. As a former Kotfe member i can tell no kotfe member has complained about incs. And yet they are involved in an osw vs zaft. Other clans involved in osw should either follow that example or stay out of the pvp event.
  7. I can attest to that..

    I got an inc from a kotfe, so I returned a a full bar..he returned another half bar and we both moved on.

    I don't see why you have to threaten someone for giving you a few hits in this event. If feel like returning the favor later after the event, do so but no need to threaten on his wall.
  8. Guess u didn't read cor x's banner marked and stripped naked if I read correctly and he's an admin in kotfe
  9. If you opt in to event…you have opted in. Get the **** over it and pvp. The end, no question
  10. Apherium*

    Other than that a pretty smooth read :thumbsup:

  11. Guess his point is don't be a hypocrite and shame others for their actions when your own clan will ca someone over a handful of hits
  12. I don't understand why people are crying over a few hits in a pvp event
  13. Lol oh no, when u mess with Omar, ur screwed. I learnt, and I'm pretty sure he is still hitting me.
  14. and the warmongers are facing the heat for joining a kaw wide pvp event, if you don't wish to partake and get a few stray hits simply don't cast the spell. it isn't an exclusive event.
  15. They make the rules to bend them, you break their rules and they break you. I get inc from opt in osw players everyday. Am I allowed to hit back "no" cuz if I do I will get destroyed after event. Seems fair and legit to me. I honor all osw rules and all kaw etiquette. It just seems like a one sided playing field to me and not fair at all. Happy kawing
  16. Osw rules? You mean the things people make up as they go along?
  17. Isn't that how all rules come to pass? People make them up as we go?
  18. If someone threatens to hit you after the osw, why post a link to their wall to make it easier? They most likely are not writing up a list of every person who might have hit them a couple of times so they can hit them later. Just doesn't make sense.
  19. 4 years. Almost 2 on this account. Why?
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