ShadyMarine #2 in Regulators Dropped

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by AmexCenturion, Feb 1, 2015.

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  1. ShadyMarine #2 in Regulators gets Kicked

    Shady in a Drunken Stupor hits -IMF- and Threatens IMF

    WDGAF drops Regulators as Alliance

    In Order to Preserve Alliance, Regulators Drop ShadyMarine.
  2. You idiot. WDGAF never dropped Regs grow some stats so i can smack you
  3. I like Bacon and I can not lie
  4. I have never seen shady do something like that. Maybe it was some kind of failed joke?
  5. HA gayyyyyyyy
  6. Says the one who quotes op
  7. Motherfucking Jackson. No one gives a **** about your two cents. And even if they did, they don't now. Don't quote OP you idiot.

    DTW... A shame.
  8. Shady hit up and down the ally lb. 1 hit each to his friends. As for the ss, the warlor member clearly means our alliance with zaft ended
  9. Calm
  10. Cos I can
  11. soon you cannot
  13. I see the Invictus propaganda machine is still churning
  14. Lol, this is funny. Shady's my friend.. we were just joking around. Nothing to see here people.
  15. If that's the case then this is just here to incite and cause pandemonium.
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