Clan Comparison: Blackhand and Voodoo

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by _-Joker_-, Jan 30, 2015.

  1. Don't know what an orange hand is. Anyways, stay on topic.
  2. You a serious noob bro
  3. [​IMG]
  4. Not at all, and I don't remember having my ass handed to me?
  5. Voodoo lost to iG then spent the next 6 months or so converting there members into spy builds and hansels. Once done they hit iG and within 72 hours. 1ATE7 surrendered iG to voodoo in forum. Ate then promptly left the game.
    I was in iG at that time.

    Black Hand was fun. I was there in the beginning when disfunctional and nightmarewalking created it. Zatt your almost right bit was about 10 of us and a army of alts Dis and night we're a riot to KaW with.
  6. @Extreme - Am I a statless alt? Jk
    I have "visited" both Voodoo and BH many times over the years on a few accts. I'll point out that I used to be a perm mbr of NWU (now disbanded). Half went to BH, the other half created Zaft Carnage. Big difference right lol?
    Voodoo has a great network of ppl that allow them to organize for EE war well. Had some fun with them there on war acct.

    For those of you who have not been in BH (visiting or perm), shut the hell up. It's a bunch of ppl who can have fun, laugh at themselves, but not act as complete fools like NA does.

    And to all who talk of cf crap- do you think OSW's go on forever? There are gonna be cf's. At least I see respect in them of acknowledging it, instead of childish behavior from ppl who sat on the sidelines as cheerleader's watching it and now laughing and ridiculing.

    Now back to OP's question. In past as you are asking, both were in their own way a scary bunch of folk to tangle with. BH had more of a rep of terror and would bash as a clan if provoked. Voodoo I feel had the equal power, but a dif way of presenting it.