a LB with more than a 20 t gold out is a bank, or not????, Bank = Account with gold. Stephan are you nervious u should, do u know my name?...... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Lmao name all 20 that you say you found. Won't make a difference daft doesn't have the funds needed to strip. Look at daft eb history they pounding those just trying to keep pots.
Why post 1 a day? Tryna stretch your little bit of fame as far as you can before everybody forgets you even existed?
I think we should tax the banks. Distribute the gold to everyone else and we can all live happily ever after in Shangri La.
Dear lord... are you actually serious op? If so please say yes. So I can properly laugh my arse off at you. Thanks in advance.
I confess I funded the Harb strip and dropped the 300-400 trill in allies after coz its petty cash #biggestbankinkaw Op needs to drop the list now I have confessed , Joking aside if I won the lottery Harb would top my strip list , who would be on yours ?