How is the Snow near you? The "biggest snow storm to hit New

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by knickm927, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. You know nothing John Snow.......
  2. I live in south jersey, i got an inch at most
  3. Going on 12" atm Expecting another 12 throughout the day
  4. Lmfao! Jack Daniels
  5. be safe peeps. stay indoors. :)
  6. Yeah, summer is pretty nice up here :p
  7. Where's the pool at? It's sunny here. Enjoy the snow to all who got it
  8. We have 3 inches from a few weeks ago
  9. Yeah I live in new Jersey and we barely got anything ffs. School closed the day before because it was so scared of this 2 inch storm
  10. Does rain count? Got plenty
  11. North Eastern Connecticut I have about 28/30 inches drifts well over 4 feet.
  12. Rhode island 15+ more on the way
  13. It's wet n slippery here

    Because I've 9inchs
  14. Texas. 80 degrees and 2 inches of grass.
  15. I'm jelly
  16. The northwest has got little to none lol
  17. Melting 1-2 inches ...and melting
  18. We had our 1" of snow in Vancouver 2 months ago.
    Escape winter n move here n be closer to ATA
    Maybe if lucky get a lil more
  19. Translation pls..
    80 degrees water is nearing a boil

  20. 80 degrees Fahrenheit.