being able to make Aqua with two inferno or vice versa ?

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by poTaYto, Jan 25, 2015.

  1. Have you ever been stuck with 100 Aqua or inferno or but none of the other ? Well wouldn't I be cool if you could make one inferno for two Aqua or two inferno for 1 Aqua ?
  2. Or being able to sale them
  3. Or being the 100th person to request this
  4. They should introduce air and earth and maybe give us 2xtals every day.

  5. Full unwavering support
  6. Should change lowlands, highlands, hf and abyssal lands into Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation and Air Nomads.
  7. I love chucking a bit of fire onto my fire to make some water...
  8. in a pinch? Big snow storm on the way? Have no fear throw two buckets of water together Instant warmth
  9. Lol karma , and how does putting fire with fire, create water?
  10. Actually one of the products of complete combustion is water vapour so close enough. Water into fire is where I'm stumped.
  11. unlikely to happen since they don't earn money from it
  12. Improving the game earns them money because a better game keeps people playing/joining. This won't be added as it makes upgrading equipment too easy ruining the process.
  13. no no they we need to be able to trade them in for SoD
  14. It's a good idea. Probably won't happen, because the devs don't really cut code anymore, but a good idea none the less.
  15. Second