The reason WE fight, and the reason YOU have to.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Merovingian, Jan 23, 2015.

  1. Shouldn't you be making us some sort of omlet
    Or something?

    From what I can tell non Apoc members are also cheering the whopping 300T strip to a guy that deserved what he got. Even the zaft LB players want nothing to do with him. Zaft is not the mighty clan it used to be and with the LB gone their true lack of organization and strength come through. We have accepted their taunts and pokes long enough. They brought this on, and we are going to finish it️
  2. Again I ask, you tire of them poking you..Well do you not think others get tired of your people doing the same thing..Can't explain your self there can you..When has apoc truelly dominated a real fighter? Well can't answer that can you..Don't respond with Laoda, he retired not one of you could touch him..
  3. its a war game. until someone/clan can shut them up, you're just going to have to deal with it.
  4. A. @omet - don't like us - stop us
    B. I nor has any member begged for help - we are all more than happy to support one another
    C. Jealousy is an ugly color
    D. What really is rule 3 in the omet war manual
    E. Zaft has a lot of room if you want to join them F. One word -- MaCHiNEs

    KotFE MaCHiNE Lord
  5. Thank you for your words of stupidity..You stated if you don't like us ( Us ) stop that sounds just like what you supposedley stripped herb for right lol..Thank you for your cave man mentality..Also for clearing everything up and showing your cause is false and your believes are no different then I expected...
  6. Omets are calling out stupidity . Shits getting real . 
  7. @omet - beliefs**

    If you are going to question my intelligence please use proper spelling.

  8. Omet just curious did you vote for Obama?

  9. Jealous because your "clanmates" are getting crushed too? Jealous because in Apoc there's a real family and not a king with slaves? Jealous because we defend each other and noone is considered a meatshield as u are being considered? If you or your allies/friends/kings starts something that you cant finish it: 1.- dont start it and now that you did started we plan to finish it 

    IGreenI 
  10. I'm just wondering, how stupid are you? harb got stripped for hire hitting our members, we didn't say anything about anyone ganging up on anyone (a hit on us is a hit on all). so thank YOU for the words of stupidity. you may want to stop before you embarrass yourself and your fellow omelets, if you can even do that anymore. I honestly don't think you can after your "kings" little post that he got laughed off of the forums for. :lol:
  11. Great one weezus
  12. Harb was stripped for hire hits and breaching CF on multiple instances. That's literally what this thread says.
  13. Again, I see remarks from people and everyone of them remarks say, a hit on one is a hit on all...So what's the difference..He hit you for buying a Allie..So if you think you can run your mouths and then hide behind your bigger accounts or clannies for protection, you are doing the same thing..Being a coward, if you run your mouth and get hit handle it..Don't act tough because you have friends...

  14. The point is, there was a CF, it's a free ally market, someone hired an ally from him, he hit them for it.

    That's a breach of the cf and to apoc eyes, a call to war.

    They started it with an epic strip. Well done to them.
  15. Once again, you cry because he hit out of a cf..So you though you could make a osw buy buying his allies and then thinking he would let that go unanswered for..Well, so you willingly admit you was hiding behind a cf and then thought you could do whatever you wanted correct.. ( buy his allies ) then sit back and tell jokes how you may do as you wish..Only reason your allowed to do as you wish is because of numbers not bravery..Zaft will always be hear and if I recall last osw Apoc was almost killed off..This was stragic move I admit..You all did well and found a way to start another osw..After all, you all have gotten bigger and recruited more and banked..Then made your move..But please don't deny that all off you are true fighters until you can do so on your own and without 100's playing captain save me..
  16. Do I look like I'm in apoc? Do I have any apoc tags? Am I in an apoc clan?


    I'm simply telling you what the rest of kaw see's, it's not my problem if you don't like it.

    Forget that it's apoc your talkin about, you quite obviously are prejudged against them. Think of it like this:

    All kaw see is a bully put in his place, they show evidence, the claims aren't really refuted at all.

    then the top 3 zaft members abandon them, how do you think it looks?

    I'll tell you how it looks, it looks like the zaft lbers didn't like Harb, at all. From those screenshots I don't blame them, talking like that on a 9+ game is completely unacceptable and in my eyes he should be banned.

    He gets stripped, massively, and NO ONE PINNED HIM. I find it hard to believe he didn't have a few zaft allies that should of pinned him when they saw what was happening. That alone shows he isn't liked by zaft core members.
  17. anyone understand what the omet is trying to get at? I can't understand the stupidity coming from him... I guess the biggest part of my misunderstanding is how we are cowards because we held up our end of the MUTUAL cf. And I guess the other part is just me wondering how buying someone's allies, which actually makes them gold, could be considered breaking a cf. Don't you have to hit someone to break a cf? I must just be a noob who doesn't understand the game...
  18. Well written thread, OP. Good luck to all involved.
  19. Enough of this jibba jabba. U got a problem? fix it...i DARE you.
    Join ZAFT and come stop us.. ()

    If all u going to do is talk then get outa 'ere

    ŦƦŪE $PÁ̸ƦŦÁ̸Ñ$
    Ψε ΑΓε CοΜιnφ 4 Υου
    the Purge of ZAFT