OSW: Yafi vs NA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2014.

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  1. I know IDD sends love, never doubted that, and it sure brings back the OSW fun.
    To be honest, a selected few in NA does send hits. But most don't.

    I am out of pin when I'm doing other RL stuffs, no worries on that. You can send love when I'm not active, I will send back as well. Cheers on old kaw!
  2. Hehe... i really have say this joker is a butthurt classic lol. I have trillions out just for fun but no inc. ;)
  3. I'm beginning to agree with drgn, less talk more war. No inc last 2hrs. Before that 20 fail assassinates...keep watching Yafi be decimated around you while you make up stories on the forums.

    NA has a deep and long history. Yafi not so much. Let's see what you say in a year if you're still around. Yafi will go the way of los and purgatory, another has been clan who tried to play a game with very little understanding of it. Solidify your alliance with zaft, just merge into them.

    Ps, I love all your banners about how you're in an osw. It's so exciting isn't it??? Stop thinking you're special because we are providing content for you. You're just another bunch of play toys for us to bat around.

  4. If it was worth a lock your 2 mods would of locked it.

  5. I'm only here to make people rage. As you can tell by their replies it works :lol:
    I've noticed post moving to different locations and blamed it on my weariness from RL but now i know for a fact lol.
    If you still want us after OSW please feel free to find us first! :D
  6. I'm sorry, I must be tired. Did you say IDD wanted a CF? I believe you must have hit your head.


    And while I'm here, and because I have the ss all resized and available I think I'll go ahead and share this interesting little tidbit;

  7. RDC where is your pride now? I told you months ahead where your family heading and you didn't believed me. My crystal ball never failed me yet. Plenty more SS where it come from
  8. Amen brother...
  9. Lol. You know that's when I asked to see if you wanted to CF with kings.
  10. Yea but u also talk **** about zaft and how some yafi wants to fight them. Lol.
  11. It looks like rdc wanted a cf to me.
  12. Some did, but we are clan and stick together. Not a big deal to be allies with people we wanted to war in the past. In fact Yafi respects most past OSW clans.
  13. I don't think you ally with ZAFT because you wanted too. You allied with them out of necessity for protection like I said all along. Now ZAFT not doing so well. What's your next option to hide for protection? We know you wouldn't back up ZAFT against their current war. YAFI can't afford to war like the old days.
  14. Yep Yafi whitegh0st running like a chicken now. A typical Yafi player imo :lol:
  15. Who's this dishwasher? All she says is " think" well think think don't think to hard it'll wreck your small brain musang lololol
  16. completely off topic. but if you see the op, this was philo's second osw thread that day. what was the first one?
  17. No one cares.
  18. OK I'm going to ignore NA lies and just post facts. NA is free to post their own facts or lies.

    As of last count, we have at least 70 NA accounts in our list who ran/reset/requested cf.

    NA looking to boost their numbers has absorbed members from Pure Evil and BAR to make up the numbers.

    Apparently BAR was in OSW and these were supposedly runners that Twicc took in. More info needed for this portion.
  19. Mr "lololol", thinking is not alien concept for humans! Can robots think? I guess you know what I'm asking 
  20. Zattoichi i think it was the RCA vs Murder Death Kill thread
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