kingdoms at grinding

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by wordwaster, Jan 23, 2015.

  1. You didn't want lands, but when announced, you were he one who ******* supporting insane prices or lands and buildings so shut the hell up.
  2. i don't like hitting smaller accounts. so i am going to give you a chance to find the post where i showed support for the new lands AT ALL, high price or not.
  3. Girls, girls, you're both pretty.

    Events, plunder bonuses, EE. You'll grow.

    Spend your allowance. Save 10 cents here and there.

    Farm for fun.

    You'll grow.
  4. Not sure if this has already been said but if it didn't take any time to "beat the game"(upgrade everything), then you might as well start out with everything fully upgraded.
  5. build complete isn't "beating" the game. and i'm not saying that people shouldn't have to work for build complete. but it has gotten to the point where players CANNOT build complete unless they are willing to spend hundreds of dollars (or have someone spend it for them), AND spend years tapping on ebs.

  6. Yes, but the amount of time it will take is ridiculous.

    How can the devs jump from 3 trillion for the HF lands to 24 trillion for Abyssal Lands? That just makes no sense.

    The 8x jump is insane. Sure, .01% of the game was getting bored. And sure, that .01% probably accounts for 20% of ATAs earning off of KaW, but this is unfair to the rest of us 99.99%. The devs have failed to notice this. It's disappointing.
  7. I wouldn't say .01%. And, there is never a way to be bored.

    When you're bored on KaW you should hit the battle list, start a war, EE.

    It's ********.

    The new lands are nice because it ads a new adventure. It doesn't change stats that much from HFBC. We'll be fine.
  8. I see no 'new adventure'. I just see another year added on until I am build complete.
  9. The supposition is that we have new lands so that build complete accounts have something other than allies to sink gold into.

    But talk to a leaderboard account. It's more cost effective at a certain point to buy allies versus buying land and buildings. Based on the land costs I've seen quoted, that tipping point in the new lands will be reached quickly.

    So I don't think this will impact KAW much. At least until ally inflation catches up to the new land and building prices.
  10. I understand the reasoning behind the new lands. My belief is that the small amount of good it does is drastically outweighed by the amount of harm.
  11. Well, devs already know about this problem and are trying to balance the distance between new and BC players... I personally think they failed in that though. (New user starter package, global rewards, etc)
  12. Alright... I think people are misinterpreting this post... From what I get, op is worried about the gap between new and bigger players, that just increased with the new lands. To catch up, you would need to play for years and spend tons of money. Why is this a big deal? This is also why people don't war, people they are warring against is a lot bigger than them, no matter how much money and time they spend on this game. (Mostly talking about osw, not scheduled wars)
  13. ^ currently you have to be bc to war, which is sad
  14. That isn't quite it, NEO-_kkaazzuuyyaa_-NEO. I'm talking about the quality of an individual players experience being severely impacted by these decisions.

    I certainly don't expect new players to just hop in one day and fight redstar the next,
  15. 100% agree. Nail on the head Mickey.
    <feel like I need a shower now - but the man speaks truth>
    Sooooo glad I am not selling in today's kaw store. <whew>
    So sad what has happened here. Enjoy the ride while it lasts.
  16. Doing eb is not the only way to make gold. Doing ally trading in a smart way can bring you more gold than epic battles do. Indeed for this one must be very active to be able to replenish allies right away once they was sold. When I have time I can easily make 3-4T in one month (epics+ally trading).