Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Moose2, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. -OK- : A dedicated player who always strives for the best of new players, or experienced players that do need help. One of the most forgiving and nicest players ever, if anyone deserves Valiant Knight, it would be -OK-. Ask him anyone you want and he will reply in the nicest and easiest way to understand, I dare someone to randomly follow him and ask him any question, he will reply, and I bet that he will satisfy you 100%!
  2. dragonsawe: she is the best and friendliest person I've met in this game. Always greets someone with (hugs) (i got my wall for proof and u can check clan mates wall) and wouldn't hesitate to give the smaller kingdoms help. Once we were doing smoke signals and she didn't kick the smaller members but encouraged them to hit even when behind. She greets everyone, guest or member like she's known them for a long time, and that makes everyone feel comfortable around her. she and her apt also go out to give smaller clans a helping hand in finishing ebs. BTW it's her birthday today ;)
  3. Cashews and Lady_Kahlia for VK they are awesome help clans grow drop seals they could be hitting b2b TSG TS and SS making a ton of gold but no they go to small clans and hit tfo warbeast and other small ebs as they help grow the clan and work it's way up to haunts and other big ebs

    They truly deserve this award
  4. Congrats to the newest members. And thank you for the nomination logic. :)
  5. I nominate myself :), I snitch all the time to the devs
  6. I nominate AshesOfEden. He's a very kind person. Always makes the game an enjoyment in forums. He just has a way to put a smile on your face :)
  7. I second this

    And this.
  8. Hi there, Moderators and kawers!

    Just passed by this thread....

    Personally, I support each and every player being here on this thread making thoughtful comments of nominating players here and there. I feel they, who have helped the players deserve to be a VK, and I really hope to see more.

    Well, I couldn't thought more to comment on so I guess I might as well just stop here...but I really wish good luck on all the players nominated to be the new Valiant Knights.

    It will make a big difference to not only the forums, but can also be the world of kaw. :D

    By the way, hello there Avatar!! I see you again!

    A kaw player, sean893
  9. the way you write makes me want to kick a puppy sean
  10. A special player named SuperCore.

    He has helped out HUNDREDS of new players with maintaining a family of 5 clans, he has helped with the builds and fastest ways to earn gold as well as helping people get hlbc in a month, giving kaw education to tons of players. He has full understanding of the mechanics to fast building, and all the members in the family he had created, their builds were helped by him.

    Sadly, the last of the clans died 3months ago, more then half of thecore family have left to continue with kaw. If he still plays, you know what to do, even if he dosen't, it could still be given in memory. Over half of all the players he helped grow into kaw have spent money on this game.
  11. KYD123, he doesnt want me to do this, but its to late. He has kept players like myself and others in our clan playing this game we love. He teaches any level player from the basic mechanics of the game to the more advanced aspects. He takes the time to explain things ,even when its monotinous for him. I, along with many others are glad to have him in our clan. If it werent for KYD, there would be alot more inactives in KAW. He wont like that i did this, but that just shows his modesty. Thanks
  12. I read every single page and I don't realize how many super helpful players there are in KaW I hope some of them get picked
  13. I'm bck ppl
  14. You do realize those pictures were not of moose... Right?
  15. I nominate myself,as i have been told by mods to apply and want a chance to be a valiant knight.
  16. 40 pages. Oh my! 
  17. 40 pages of haters, and Nooblets, and trolls...

    Oh my!
  18. I would like to nominate a lady who spends all her waking hours.every spare minute of her time even when she has no time left.she wokes hard to make kaw a better place.opens up more clans so people can war.takes time to to put rosters together.

    She takes time to train people make sure they have what they need ro get the job done.stays up til she cannot keep her eyes open any longer and for the time i have known her the only complaint i have heard out of her mouth is,,,,

    She wishes there was more of her to go around.

    She has earned my respect at the respect of alot of people and her name is


    Plz post to show your support thx sylverdragon for all you are doing for us