Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 19, 2015.

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  1. Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)


    Zaft some sources are saying the rumor of harb bieng kicked is false. Zaft will stand by their clanmate.
  2. Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    might as well all sink together on the same ship.
  3. Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    Make everyone suffer for the ones choice, makes sense ;) kick out random members, I like that about zaft too!
  4. Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    ZAFT not kickn Harbinger of Wrath means it's gonna be a long long long long OSW. If they would've kicked Harbinger of Wrath would've made them look weak and scared off of other lb ZAFT members.
    Anyone that has been in ZAFT knows there not going to CF. They've went up against bigger odds in 2013.
    This OSW has a chance of becoming a World War were both ZAFT and Apocalypse might not recover from.
    Only way to find out is time.

    Either way I wish both sides the best of luck and fun in OSW.

  5. Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    For it to be fun zaft would have to hit someone.
  6. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    Laoda was the backbone of zaft, without laoda it's like peanut butter wit no jelly ! I just wish Romeo war running ass was still in zaft would have gave my left nut to see him naked !
  7. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    I doubt we only took 3.5T from Larry lol
  8. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    Nows the time for a change.

    Apoc does the heavy lifting and keeps running bars on all ZAFT clans.

    YAFI works from the inside gathering intel, time zones, etc.

    WDGAF comes in after leaving the alliance to help fund even more big name strips.

    I think if ZAFT is to get dethroned at all from their #1 alliance position, it's going to be now.
  9. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

  10. Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    Many members have been kicked and clans have pulled themselves out. It disheartens me to see so many of my friends being kicked from a clan they called home.

    Still cant find me Zaft? Look closer to "family", the "trusted ones". I've been there awhile ;)
  11. Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    Apparently laoda posted a thread using an alt...
  12. Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    False, fake laoda is fake.
  13. Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    The Laoda is a lie.
  14. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    Oh yeah. We all totally know it was choda. Could tell by the nice grammar and use of English.
  15. Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    What happens next?

  16. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    You actually took much less.. Get over it chump
  17. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    Someone is angry.
  18. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    Rrrriiiiiiigghhhhtt - I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'm looking to sell - you interested?
  19. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    Yea bc 3000 steals takes so much less..
  20. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    Don't you know it only takes 10 gold? Psh you must be a noob lol
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