Upgrade Question

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Lormaster, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. Wouldn't you have to hit the exact same person with the same build as he/she had last war for that test to work?
  2. As people upgrade, it would be nice to hear whether it is accurate that spy buildings on the water lands reduce plunder?
  3. My plunder went up with spy buildings on new lands, i think it has more to do with stat increase than building placement
  4. Didnt check for each new building, but after adding 9 spy buildings in al, my hte plunder went up about 10m a hit
  5. Troop buildings offer less of a plunder increase than upgrading a T6 currently.
  6. my plunder went up after I added spy buildings so that's a myth
  7. First HF spy build dropped plunder by 100k, rest increased it by 400k each
  8. I didn't experience any plunder drop, neither by building spy buildings on my hansel, nor by building balanced ones on this hitter.

    Plunder increase on this hitter was small (tested on HTE). Very small...

    Usually I would suggest to open new lands and build a T5/T6/T7 lvl1 on it as a new building used to be the best plunder solution. Depending on the land price, of course...

    Honestly, based on my own experience, I wouldn't prioritize T7 lvl1... At equal price or even slightly above, I would buy a new HF land and a T6 lvl1. Which you'll have to do anyway to get HF15 to unlock the Abyss.

    One upgrade that really sucks is the T5 lvl3 to lvl4. Delay that one... Go for full T6 upgraded first, one land by one.