Re: 15 FFA HTE seals give-away to celebrate new lands! Sorry buddy, this clan with 16m cs requirement for entry definitely don't help new players.
Re: 15 FFA HTE seals give-away to celebrate new lands! I would like to nominate Golden Faction... They have been very helpful to a lot of new players.. This is the clan that started me out on KAW.. Some of the members really have helped out a lot. If and when they have a seal they usually give the smaller members the items so that they can grow faster.. They are very helpful with the builds when you first start out.. I owe my KAw life to them.. Please give them a seal.. They are great people..
Re: 15 FFA HTE seals give-away to celebrate new lands! D3v has constantly helped me with build advice and they are all supportive of things I do
Re: 15 FFA HTE seals give-away to celebrate new lands! I would like to nominate AZ__BIGMACK__tec and his clan.. When ever a eb is in trouble and he is asked for help him and some of his clan members will hurry over and help out. They will burn their xtals and help finish the eb and not ask anything in return.. They are a great bunch of peeps.. Thank you all Aztec �
Re: 15 FFA HTE seals give-away to celebrate new lands! The Lightning Bolt Owner:Wendyms Reason:A good clan for new players. Wendyms is so helpful and welcoming. She always shouts FFA when she seals. And she has had a pretty bad week with traders stripping her of allies, being farmed because she stood up for a clannie, a small player asking his friend to farm him because he sealed without knowing the clans rules which is FFA. And we love Wendyms and thank her this way. P.S I grew up to be what i am today in KAW because of this clan and the white lightning family.
Re: 15 FFA HTE seals give-away to celebrate new lands! I agree, she's a friendly person and a good helper for growing new accounts and new players. Even though she's a whiner baby if anything goes wrong and have alts in the clan with her bf threatening to farm me still think you should seal there.
Re: 15 FFA HTE seals give-away to celebrate new lands! 13 seals allocated - 2 more remaining! I need more nominations!
Re: 15 FFA HTE seals give-away to celebrate new lands! If i could suggest a clan it would be AZTEC. They are all great warriors & great ppl Whenever we need them they are there TY MY AZTEC BROTHERS N SISTERS & I HOPE A SEAL REACHES YOU ALL
Re: 15 FFA HTE seals give-away to celebrate new lands! Thanks Wang for the nomination and thanks Tr1 for choosing JF, it's really a good family clan
Re: 15 FFA HTE seals give-away to celebrate new lands! Thank you for the seal - we are happy to be nominated and all jungle are grateful how very nice
Re: 15 FFA HTE seals give-away to celebrate new lands! Idk if there are any seals left but i will say ive played this game for almost 5 years now and growing with Blue fenix before they disbanded, i went looking for a new home and i ended up leaving for a bit and when i came back Zerg helped me on my feet, they are there to help everyone, They are truly a awesome clan.
Re: 15 FFA HTE seals give-away to celebrate new lands! I would like to NOMINATE , LHL legendary hero League , they are very helpful in everyway ! And a great Family !!!!
Re: 15 FFA HTE seals give-away to celebrate new lands! Cheers for the seal from the jungle and Mr wang for nominating us
Re: 15 FFA HTE seals give-away to celebrate new lands! Thank you Tr1 for allocating a seal for TLB. People like you make KAW a wonderful community.
Re: 15 FFA HTE seals give-away to celebrate new lands! ........................The Stories......................... A good while ago, i dunno, about a year n' a half ago i was a puny 1-2mcs noob. The best clan i could get was a tier 2 eb clan called Green Mist. No matter how much hunting i did, i couldn't find 1 big clan that would take me. That was until a passer-by named DarcyCane came around and told me that her clan was doing a ss unlock soon, that i could drop in to if i wanted. Ss was up there compared to the ebs i was doing so i went. I tried to hit and failed every time, but even tho the clan was filled up and in need of mercs, they still let me stay. The clan grew fast, and i could nvr keep up with it, i was just "that lil noob that always fails" but still. I was nvr dropped. They helped me grow fast and over my time there, I've seen the Ts troop take in small peps and train them up just like me. Im not around there much but i say they've even helped some peps since last time i was around there, maybe "ABOUT A WEEK AGO"(starts shmoney dance). Sry. I had to . Anyway i hope u make the right decision and throw down a sein ts Happy kawing; )
Re: 15 FFA HTE seals give-away to celebrate new lands! Tr1 and those that nominated RPL thank you for your thoughts. The seals aren't necessary. We don't do this for money or fake gold, we do this because it's what we love to do. It's a passion of mine to help others and teach them how to play the game. Again thank you but find someone who needs them and help them.