Next LB Strip

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Thor-MightyHammer, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. Lol I know he has a lot just never Asked 
  2. With 15 resets plus... And allies averaging over 2t+ he's over 1q
  3. Redstar is @ or around 2q

    Was at 1.78q confirmed 2 months ago.
  4. Wdgaf is in The zaft alliance noob. And really cella and red do you lack a brain?

  5. bomb kept quiet before he was stripped too.
  7. Fair point but I still doubt woolooloop would be next.
  8. woolooloop never shuts up in my ac. just 13days ago he said "hello everyone".

    i was all like "jeez. we got ourselves a chatty cathy over here".
  9. I think it would be Deutschland if anyone just as a joke 0.0
  10. I mean because take one look at the name and clan and you have his timezone

  11. El_cid_Campeador. Oh wait, el cid is just a pure spy, with a loudmouth.
  12. Anyone think Silph maybe?
  13. Who should i strip next? Maybe val for the lolipop pic?
  14. Redstar wont be stripped unless he sold account… if it was possible to strip him yafi would've had him stripped during osw but their are reasons why he is unstrippable… thats my personal thought
  15. meh, this topic should of been about which top 10 eat cereal vs eggs for breakfast.

    i mean, thats what we all have always really wanted to know.
  16. Redstar,Cella,Rambo etc.. same Player.
    Nonstop HTE with Max Xtalls and Sods over years without sleeping time.
    Not easy to tell how much value he has.
    Btw,are shared Accounts okay during stay in Leaderbord?
    Then Redstar could find some sleep after years of nonstop 24h playing.
  17. A lot of LB do share accounts, that's how they are up every hour of the night xtaling, sealing and everything else one might do. Devs make the LB exceptions to the ToU. Reason for being like that is that those top 5-10 LB accounts, they pay for this game. They are the ones that pay hundreds of dollars a day, thousands a month, on KaW, just so that they can be big on a virtual game. All it shows is that most don't have a life.
  18. I bet itll be someone between 1 and 150
  19. they dont make expceptions on you so better dont accuse anyone. And they do not account share, they only lose 8/7 unloads when sleeping, opposed to 48 unloads a day max. ally sales go on 24/7... sleep is underrated