Legendary Chaos

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by X_lxl_XClHlAlOlSX_lxl_X, Jan 21, 2015.

  1. Support to the legendary family
  2. Support from legendary TιTans
  3. Support From Me (New LHL perm)
  4. Support to this nooob 
  5. Support bc his alt told me to support
  6. support support support xD we have a pretty decent clan =p
  7. oh my goodness he has an alt :lol:
  8. Nice idea. Support 
  9. ty for the support :D
  10. Eww this clan still running :lol: :-D
  11. Chaos is awesome! Support! :p
  12. Support to the legendary chaos 
  13. Support from TTL 