Hello KaW. Many of you may or may not know me. My name is Zhurosoft / Erok. I'm an older player that had a long break from KaW and the forums, mainly because I was banned and perm silenced. It's been about a year and I've had time to rethink my actions. I'd like to apologize for past experience and I'd also like to announce my formal return to the forums and the game. I'd like to thank ATA for giving me this chance and lifting my forum ban after a year and a half, I missed my forum family. Looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones. To bettering the community and a great 2015 in life and KaW. ~ Zhuro
Déjà vu. Glitch in the Matrix. Whatever. Am I imagining things or is this the second time you've made a thread like this?
Last time I made a thread like this was almost a year and a half ago. We'll see how this time goes. Much love drgn
I know the dread some of you must have. I'll show you that I'm not a completely immature all talk newb anymore.