Allies chat was made so that you could communicate with hired people. It seems to me that no one ever uses it so therefore it takes up unnecessary space.I propose a new idea in which allies chat can be used. -First Allies chat is changed to Alliances{Or something around those lines} -Second,Alliance chat will be used to communicate with leaders of the clan you have an alliance with.This idea improves tactical advantages in osw or etc. (Only the owner will be allowed to view alliance chat) In order for this to be used there will have to be an option that allows you to set a clan as an alliance. (Don't know if this idea has been presented before or not but there you have it.Sorry if its not "Well" thought out or what not)
Some people actually use ally chat you know.. The majority of the owners I've had in the last year have used it
I support this idea. I swear some people spend more time in 3PAs than actually playing. There is nothing that bores me more than "Go to ___" - whichever 3PA which will lag for 20minutes as it painfully attempts to load the last 2000 boring messages of people just saying "hey". And then you have to switch back, so you have two open apps which makes kaw lag. And lag makes me sad.
"It seems to me" Is what I stated in the description and no I'm afraid I do not know everyone nor was I speaking for everyone.
Imo, keep allie chat. And add a alliance chat. I don't see what harm adding a alliance chat would do and it will allow players to not have to use a 3PA. I think I have witnessed a thread similar to this a while back.
It would be nice to have a group chat similar to pms where you can invite multiple people into it. Have it accessible similar to pms by going wall - inbox