Adding "Value" to EE

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Sushi6, Jan 18, 2015.

  1. Hello! everyone, this is my first thread on forum so please bare with me and any mistakes I may make. :)

    [title2]The War Stats Page[/title2]

    Ok so the title of the thread pretty much expresses my idea - A war stats page located on personal profiles or perhaps even in a separate tab of its own. I have been warring a lot and noticed quite an amount of people talk about how much experience they have and how great they are (including myself - face it we all do it xD) so I would like if the devs added a stats page that showed stats such as win/loss ratio, total ko’s, etc.

    Possible Stats:
    Obviously the possibilities as to which stats they could add are pretty much endless so I am just going to make a list of some stats they could add to the page (or tab).

    • total ko’s
    • total wars
    • win/loss ratio
    • total plunder
    • highest plunder/actions/ko’s in 1 war
    • # of primal/individual/round wars and their respective w/l ratios
    • inactivity count
    • WC/TK w/l ratio (will explain why this could be implemented in next part of this thread)
    • Crystal Count (might be a little out there but could be possible for devs?)
    • Total Mith Earned

    As you can see this list can go on and on, so basically in the comments part maybe you guys can help guide devs by voting on what you guys would be most interested in, in a war stats page. Feel free to add on any other stats I may have not have mentioned! Also, which one of those would you like to see? beginning is the same as end

    [title2]WC/TK Spell[/title2]
    This idea is something I have heard of a few times and haven’t seen it actually dealt with in forums (forgive me if I am beating a dead horse). Basically, your clan gets signed up for primal/round war, or you get your match for individual war and one person (first to cast the spell), casts the wc spell and another casts the tracker spell. Then obviously thats how it would calculate the WC/TK w/l ratio in the stats page.

    Faults to WC/TK Spell

    A random can cast spell and take the “stat”
    There is no need for this spell
    (Feel free to come up with your own faults and post in comments, these are just the two major issues I see that there could be)

    Response to Faults

    The alternative to this could be that instead of waiting to be signed up and matched, perhaps have them cast the spell before war, and in the case of individual wars, the system can spread out trackers and wc. (This could help significantly as sometimes one side has all the WC/TK and the other has none. Killing two birds with one stone xP). Another solution may be to have the members or admins warring, be able to vote towards the WC and TK.
    You’re right there is no NEED for this or even the stats page, its just something I find would be beneficial to clans recruiting for wars to be able to confirm a player’s war experience and to make individual wars a bit more balanced.

    [title2]War Badges[/title2]

    Well since they have a page that calculates the war stats why not have war badges!!!
    Here are some examples of the badges they could create.

    Knockout # Achievement Badge


    This next one would obviously require the use of the WC/TK spell to be able to hand out.

    WC Win Achievement Badge


    TK Win Achievement Badge


    So before I finally shut up and let you guys and gals comment freely, I want to give a special thank you to Cherry for helping me design the thread. Feel free to post comments, ideas, opinions & what you would like to see implemented below, trolls welcome. ;)

    Thanks for Reading
  2. Support :smile:
  3. :eek: love it.

    Personally would like to see a stats page with win/loss ratio :p
  4. Nice job

    Like the badge designs

  5. Support great thread
  6. Support Nub
  7. Hella support this.. I wanted this during s2 ... #waypastdue
  8. Support

    Although as a PS the plunder part may turn some people away :lol: And I cry enough about how much mith I get without people commenting on it
  9. Love it :) support but dont know about that wc and tk spell
  10. Also I would seriously like a better mith payout for PS, now that's adding value to ee wars.

    Lazy enough to not edit other comment :lol:
  11. What is that makes you iffy about? Explain so we can work out problems and maybe devs will create :)
  12. A fix to the faults - the wc/tracker spell goes to the person by vote of the clan
  13. And the irony award of the year goes to...

  14. Support, but can't get crystal count function.
  15. True thats a good solution as well, thank you for input  ill add to op
  16. Support for sushi
  17. Main issue I see with your idea is its not in the "promo" format the devs are only able to work on as of late .. Unless they can charge for it most likely it won't happen .. We don't get much for nothing theses days .. So unless it's a pay to use spell #notGonnaHappen #noFaithInDevs
  18. Preach it
  19. Full support

    Also we need increase ee lvl up to 10 ranging from lvl 1 25% lvl 10 100%. I don't even make up the plunder with lvl 5 ee as is.

    Wars need a total rebuff, better rewards, a way to bank gold before war. Etc.