Shark eb?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Dash, Jan 18, 2015.

  1. I wonder if a shark eb is really coming around the corner with the new water layout? How much would it cost to run the shark eb devs? Or... will you finish the bone eb first? Mmmm...
  2. its a joke they might have it for shark week
  3. I could actually see this coming out, already have an octopus so why not!
  4. I don't think do, and I've said this a good number of times but...

    Sharks are already in smash, ata don't like copy paste events. I doubt it will happen.
  5. I like you. You're funny.
  6. Forget sharks i want dinosaurs
  7. What we really need is a nic cage event.

    Or what's best for both worlds...


  8. Lulz da fail

  9. Dat bb code fail doe
  10. ATA doesn't hesitate to copy other games :lol: Much less their own games.

    Might happen, might not. Shark week in Smash was good keeping in mind that it was the first event since world wide release.
  11. Ok, I'm out of the loop. Explain "shark eb" please?
  12. An epic battle where you click repeat action multiple times in hopes of defeating an image of a shark.

  13. Unclear instructions. Tail wrapped around ceiling fan #sendhalp
  14. I was thinking of the same thing!
  15. What more do you ask for child?
  16. Lmfao that made me laugh really hard!
  17. Watch they'll call the new eb Spongebobs wrath
  18. What's the sequel? Sandy's Malevolence?