Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. YOU FREAKING LIAR M8 YOU GOT *red HAIR AND YOU LOOK *black ratchet thot

    I apologize then :( I won't try to expose jack Daniels
  2. No this is me, no lie D:
  3. Yer hurting mah feelings Cholo :cry:
  4. Feel free to not post on here any further. Thanks. Continue posting and I'll make sure you get removed.
  5. Cholo get wrecked :lol:
  6. Dunno how yer do it like 
  7. Teach me. I didn't get wrecked mofyy. :lol: just another idiot getting butthurt over another's words on a tap tap game
  8. Same rules in forums  Just gotta be a bit more careful on what you say. 9 plus game. And posting birds nudes is a big no no 
  9. Bruh :lol: I was the one who started the whole thing then it got outta hand now she's tryna expose me ;)
  10.  Yep. K now someone post a pic so I can creep
  12. rekt*
  13. Theres so many beautiful people here

  14. Careful ladies of kaw ;) I'll eat you up
  15. Support
  16. Thank you.

  17. To keep this thread on track :) here's me on Christmas in an "ugly Christmas sweater".