HTE Problems and concerns

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Adequate, Jan 16, 2015.

  1. Problem solved just don't buy new lands lol
  2. You do realize buildings increase plunder, right? So you may be completing it faster but you're earning more
  3. the thought of hte clans refusing passes to accounts that were to big, lol. wouldn't work out that way but damn, id literally lol i think.
  4. Just remove HTE and this is not an issue. It had a long run as temporary EB.
  5. Wishful thinking
  6. Seen similar for rowtb. That makes sense and maybe accounts will grow to the size where it would make sense for hte. Of course by then you'll be paying $250 for a golden spray bottle of glittery plant killer to unlock a 13x tree eb.
  7. Breaking News

    17 Year old commits suicide.

    Suicide note: Devs got rid of da hte gold, life is meaningless