Android Price Changes

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jan 15, 2015.

  1. As usual only kaw community shows up is when ata is taking something or linning there pockets with another about some good news like yall made so much money your giving some back
  2. It would take quite some time for me to get accustomed to any other temperature, I don't move much.
  3. ...
    Dear God.

    The plot THICKENS!


  5. That's absolutely lie! I did not see our Canadian prices dropping, when Canadian dollar was stronger than USD!

    Continue that bs and I will stop buying 168 xtals every week... Heck.. I stop spending cash at all!
  6. Canada stronger than US?

  7. us still has nukes so watch what your saying  u never know if the president plays or general
  8. Wow I just realized that my comment can be interpreted in many ways.

    Well, interpret it the way you want.
  9. Canada can wreck USA
  10. Canada has bieber... nuff said
  11. The prices are already changed on Android.. 168 xtals were $99.99 - now it is $119.99
  12. Lol was already pretty expensive. My purchases will reflect the increase so I won't be spending anymore just making less buys. You won't be cheating be out of any money ata. Good try tho
  13. You sir are a moron, Iceland is not freezing, Greenland is the cold one, Iceland is not cold.
  14. Regardless of whatever country it is out of the two, I'm not accustomed to very cold temperatures.
  15. ^Now THAT was a pretty good response to a "your life is a lie" moment.

  16. You done it, ATA! After I open new lands and again become build completed - I will max xtal only during 50% hte promos, so bring them often if you want my money.

    That's saving of $120 weekly or $6,240 yearly - I shall go on two more overseas vacation instead of paying for overpriced health crystals.

    I supposed to max xtal today... Oops im skipping on it today and tomorrow and days after.. Weeeeepie!

    Anyone wants to go to Brazil or Argentina this year with me? 6 grands will take me far far in my world travels.
  17.  I would like that... Very very much
  18. Isnt the pound worth MORE than USD? Therefore europeans should be noticing a price DECREASE?