Huge HTE issue

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by xXLegendary_DonkeyXx, Jan 13, 2015.

  1. those 5 paragraphs were more useful than your pretend troll thread.
  2. Thread had me entertained, before this thread I was considering quitting kaw. Being a huge douche and talking to trolls make me happy.️
  3. Called your hitting a high level eb as a noob XD
  4. Agreed :(
    Try not hitting high tier ebs as a noob

  5. "Pretend troll thread" mmmkay bro
  6. Bump for troll reasons
  8. Lol still making yourself feel important by trying to troll others.
    That only works when people feel inferior to you. Something I think you have proven through ignorance. No one is. 
  9. nice bfe... how many ebs did that take?
  10. In the ilk of Nicki Minaj
    Oh my gosh look at that


  12. don't miss quote me bro, I didn't use bb code. That's a ban able offense
  14. So what's the problem here? You aren't getting a drop from an EB that doesn't drop?
  15. Fixed it for you there
  16. What are you complaining about? I'm just confused...
  17. Op sucks pee
  18. nice eb equipment there
  19. Nice stats and suck equipment there
  20. Oh my let's talk smack to an account that's a few weeks old and still been in more wars than you. Lmao. Got mith?