Redoing Quests for Nobility Points

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by xX-InfamousNemesis-Xx, Jan 12, 2015.

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  1. What I know:
    Redoing completed quests, when I can't hit the eb and I got too much gold out to risk a retaliation on a battle list opponent, may drop nobility points.
    What quest has the highest probability of dropping nobility points?
  2. They all have same probability. Most ppl hit the first quest because its the one with the highest success rate and allows more actions.
  3. I have found around 130-150 successes drops a nob. I am sure its % based but this is my experience the last three drops.
  4. The nobility drop rate is approximately 0.88% per hit for every quest. No quest has a greater drop rate or a lesser drop rate then the rest.
  5. Thanks for the info...
    Please close or delete the thread, I got what I needed...
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