Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. I cannot find what section it is under but I think it would be Other KAW Discussion...
    I can give you link to the thread though.
    Trading Ally.you have ally for sale post here
  2. Where can i get blood wood? I couldn't find any guides that told where to get it :L
  3. Epic battles that give banner materials. These EBs are the last in their series. ie. TSG and FOD
  4. The destroyer drops banner materials also
  5. FoD TGL TSG
  6. Bloodwood is a more rare form of banner material which Ive only had dropped for me in ebs in which I put out a lot of unloads on, like ACC and TSG. I believe it drops from all ebs in the end of the series, though the smaller ones never last long enough
  7. There was an error during login: Unable to login: Cannot connect security. How do I fix this on computer?
  8. I have heard of this error before try closing browser and reopening it. Normally works from what I see with the error codes Atleast.
  9. I tried that and tried two different browsers not working.
  10. could be a temporary problem try again in a little bit unsure as to why your even getting this error. Would love to know why I am curious myself.
  11. I tried posting a test link on the BBCode guide, first I typed this:

    I'm pretty sure that the correct thing to type but when I tried to post it it said this:

    After when I checked the thread it had not posted, what am I doing wrong?
  12. The ampersand killed the link, forums doesn't like them that much, use bit.ly to shorten the link removing the ampersand
  13. Will there be new tier building in due to new lands?
  14. Chances are good, but players wouldn't have a clue
  15. How do you recover an old kaw account that used the old second party login
  16. not sure if you can. try emailing support@athinkingape.com
  17. Yes there will be a new tier of buildings for new lands :)
  18. Unless the account was linked with ATA ID or the other way. Chances of getting the account back are slim to be honest. Good luck
  19. As long as the account still exists, you can email support, prove you owned the account, and ask them to create an ATA ID for you
  20. I forgot... How do you find your mp?