Introducing to the Kaw community "FindMyEb"!!!

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by LordStone5, Jan 6, 2015.

  1. Looking for THE GILDED LORD!!
  2. This is a damn good idea all you haters wouldn't know a good idea if it jumped out and bit you on the ass
  3. Hopefully u found ur way to the wall as there r plenty of ebs to choose from.

    Also I've seen mentioned a few times ppl downing the idea, and I respect all.players views but I would hope that as the same with all aspects of kaw...if we personally do not want to participate or support an idea... Let us not be selfish and allow those who need equip and can find the idea helpful to grow and support kaw financially so we all get to enjoy it for years to come! :-D
  4. Such a good idea that the feature already exists.
  5. Illogical logic
  6. i think kaw should create something where you could specificly look up currently running ebs
  7. If u had read through the posts we had a chance to discuss that a few would b an AMAZING feature and hopefully the feedback from this venture will encourage the devs to consider it! :-D
  8. This is genius and KaW should make something similar to it in like where you click on WC CC or AC.
  9. Um lol look up P-O-D_MsSpamoni_ and look on wall.. She has equipment drops from ebs amongst other things :) but I love this suggestion.
  10. I totally agree with u mohawke...a more permanent and efficient way to find specific eq ebs would b amazing...but until then I hope that this wall can help at least someone to find the equip they alt has already gotten quite a bit of eq n the last week since this went public! And I've heard many others give amazing positive feedback.

    Just keep advertising the wall ...I'm currently trying my best to get at least one of each kind of eb I see in wc to post on the wall...then when someone asks for a specific eb, if I know it's on the wall I can direct them to that clan...just in case they aren't looking in wc...m :-D
  11. Need more nub ebs please
  13. ^^^Slim...u could have at least put ur teeth in before scaring all the children n the forums...tsk tsk tsk

  14. C'mon over here! Blood Rains!!

    ╦╔╔╗╔╗╦╔╠╗║ ╦ ╦ ╗
    ╩╚╚╝║║╩╚╚╝╚ ╩ ║ ╚
    ⋐⋈⋑♭2♭ Epics⇑2 mil cs⇑⋐⋈⋑
    Sword FOD 
  15. Wall is still going strong and hoping everyone is talking bout it and sharing with the eq hunting friends and finding it useful for their clans ebs also :-D
  16. ⚜⃣╒╕╥⃣⚜❄❄GLACIAL❄❄
    ⚜⃣╒╛║⃣⚜❄❄SQUALL ❄❄
    ⚜⃣╘╛╨⃣⚜❄❄12M CS❄❄ 
  17. He's back! :lol:
  18. Thanks for bumping Larry ;)
  19. I didn't read