So let me get this straight... You're not saying anything bad? Your parents must not have taught you very well... It's Kinda like me saying, no offense, but you're a stupid ass noob! Oh the logic of some people
#1 Motherfucker keep my parents out of this! Its a game don't talk bout my parents k? #2 hit me all u want I could care less...u guys just pissed off cuz I told the truth....and funds? You could get funds from almost anything... Nobs? Farming volley? So under standing the concept has nothing to do with what I said!! And to hit me as many times like u r means u fuckers are punk ass butt hurt people....
Well. Now. That's some serious rage/whining. How do you REALLY feel? It's not healthy for you to keep all those emotions under wraps.
Hahaha seriously?? Its a public forums ? I said what I ment I didn't mean this as an insult...wellye previous post was!? But. Still any who I don't have time for u guyz!! Thx for the experience!! But please DO NOT TALK ABOUT MY PARENTS AGAIN!! Thx guyx hope to see y'all in the future!!
Listen man ......I've asked twice nicely..... Say anything else but Do Not Talk about my parents no matter what i do understand? U can keep hitting me idgaf but don't talk about my parents please!
Thx serious !! For understanding about my parents...... I look forward to seeing u in the future? How is the osw with cos?
Looks like I just brought an alt out of retirement.. I'm to big to show dip stick the proper attention. ROFLMFAO.. "Don't talk about my parents". How old are you? 10?
16 both of my parents died 2years ago jackass I live with my brother !! Just in case u ass hole where wondering