Official Paradise In Heaven Recruitment Thread. NEW CLAN

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by AVA-ANCIENT--ONE-TAR, Jan 10, 2015.

  1. Paradise In Heaven

    After rising up from their body, the chosen few turn around and see that they are looking at their own body. Suddenly shocked, they ask themselves... "Am I Dead?"...After awhile they start being pulled to the heavens. They just keep going amd going through the pastel shades of blue and white and after awhile stop in a beautiful and unknown place. A place of stories and legends. They realize that they are now at peace.

    Paradise In Heaven



    • [*]No farming
      [*]Love one another
      [*]Be kind to thy neighbour
      [*]Be active in clan chat
      [*]Help one another

    [title2]Admin and Council spots available. Follow Aaron for interview.[/title2]

    [title2]Perms Wanted[/title2]
    Recruiting perms for unlocks, we do back to back EBs, easy ones for new members to grow, and we help with builds and give tips on the best ways to grow.

    Q:Do you also do wars?
    A:In the future we plan on doing Estoc Edge wars along with B2B EB's.

    Q:What epic Battles do you usually run?
    A:Currently we are doing unlocks and when many people arent on, we will do the hardest eb we can successfully beat.

    Q:Do you allow farming?
    A:We do not allow farming however, if there is an issue; we do encourage PvP occasionally.

    Q:How will clan ownership go?
    A:We eventually hope to have a council. We are currently interviewing for admin, perms and council. Follow Disciple_Aaron for further information.

    Q:For further information about the clan, ideas to make it more enjoyable, to become perm, grow or about alliances, follow Disciple_Aaron.
  2. First thread. Thanks for the assistance. You know who you are.
  3. ║╓╓╖╖╓╖╓ ╥╓╓╖Paradise In Heaven
    ║║║║║║║║ ╟╢╙╖All Welcome
    ╙╜╜╙╙╙╜╙ ╨╙╙╜ Admins Needed
  4. Nice thread but I think you are too small to run a clan efficiently.
  5. 10Mcs of pure muscle above me
  6. I have bigger accounts. I just can't access it anymore so had to get a new one
  7. Is this a cult or something?
  8. Nope, just a clan with direction and purpose :)
  9. It's in AT no need to bump it
  10. Support. Good luck.
  11. Your welcome, I can add colour to your Q&A too
  12. Excellent just pm me. I cant copy and paste it in fortunately
  13. there's a paradise in heaven? :twisted:
  14. Peace, love, and slaying epic battles. Far out man.
  15. Thanks for the support guys and gals :)
  16. And eternal happiness my friend
  17. It's a great clan, come visit us now.