A Zombie/Survival disscusion with Zeth

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Zethor, Jan 9, 2015.

  1. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    Fast zombies any day. The swarm scenes in World War Z, particularly the Jerusalem wall scene, were amazing!

    With slow moving zombies, I just don't get the same sense of urgency. There is only 3 people per sq mile on av here, so I don't even think life would change. It would be like Shaun of the Dead... cornetto!
  2. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth


    Yeah, Fast Zombies are personally better to watch for me. Would rather fight slow ones though lol. Or human speed.
  3. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    Zombies mostly slow.
  4. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    I am Legend (Will Smith version ;) )

    That movie is just creepy.
  5. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    U look like a zombie
  6. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    I would vote 28 weeks later to be one of the best zombie movies I've ever seen 28 days later was had some really mest up scenes
  7. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    I was gonna say the same thing, but couldn't think of that movie's name.
  8. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    World war z....fast zombies. Would be hard to control the outbreak.
  9. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    Hockey stick and coffee mug for fighting. Shoulder pads, golf pants, bicycle helmet and flashdance leg warmers for defense. Ball point pen for a back up weapon. The clear kind so they can't see it.

    Zombie slayer.
  10. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    My zombie equip run around naked and fight them with a nerf gun
  11. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    Remember to keep beer in the toilet cistern if the power goes out, that's my survival tip
  12. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    Pretty sure I am legend was vampires not zombies ..
  13. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    Must have dis weapon 

  14. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    I think they were vampire zombies great movie. Good book too.
  15. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    My plan is to go to home depot, they can all be turned into compounds.

    Best thing is they all have vegetables gardens there and supplies to keep the gardens going. Next they have tools that can be made into weapons, these weapons are likes Axes, Nail Guns, and Machetes.

    Another advantage to it, is there aren't many doors just the roll down metal entrance is the main concern.
  16. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    Ppl like fiction n always will
  17. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    Book was superior I also had a very well done graphic novel of it .. Black and white cross hatched art .. Suited the subject.

    They were vampires in the book as he was the legend of the last man alive
  18. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    yeah I'm leaning towards vampires in book and movie made them more zombieish
  19. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    My Zombie vehicle would have to be an 09 Vette, with a Cow Plow, plexi-glass windshield, and tire guards.
  20. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    I would drive over 1000 kms North up into where there's no more roads and it's a sparce population and people support themselves. I'd first try to stock up on some supplies, but I'd get moving North within an hour.

    There's a small community I know of there (couple hundred people) and near it there is a lake where there is an old man who lives off the land lives. I could deliver my supplies to him and try to somehow try to survive with him, since there's a short summer there and the zombies would freeze in winter, making the winter actually more likely to kill me than zombies. Fishing is plentiful there and surviving would be more likely than most places on Earth, though ironically being in probably the harshest climate as well.