What makes a eb fairy?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by XxXbatdogXxX, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. Lol. I haz pretty equipment too. But have not hit an EB in a while. I must be an imaginary fairy.

    (Btw. All my pretty equipment was earned via war and upgraded via war so that is a crazy misnomer)
  2. What makes an eb fairy is
    1) ppl that cry over a few hits
    2) ppl that don't react over a lot of hits
    3) ppl that generally avoid all conflict (PS) there are eb fairys in ee wars
    And op your an idiot for not understanding what TNT posted
  3. I is fairie that doez EE warz
  4. FYI we all r temp EB Faeries when no war
    Awaiting Ops reply 
  5. Most likely answered on first post, but anyways.

    Epic battle fairy:
    Basically what defines someone as a epic battle fairy is anyone who lives to hit a epic battle, that one person who's sooner unload everything they have and inform the admin / owner that they got hit within the game.

    It's a common misconception that everyone who hits ebs without the intention to hit other people, are eb fairies. But there are those who will hit back and pack a punch while doing so. However those who roll over and or cry praying the farmer / player will get bored and move on.
  6. Kinda funny love the hate on my thread and in my news feed! Thank you all for showing me love! ;)
  7. Good. That stuff has its place and those who need those features to make it through the topic of a discussion thread, let them go find something shinny to play with.

    Though the lack of breaking up your thoughts into paragraphs is a complaint i support.
    Of course it does. Normally those insults are a case of misplaced frustration. Its understandable and shouldnt be taken to heart.

    In its simplest and most used context, yeah.

    Theres more in my opinion though.

    Players who veiw pvp/osw as a novelty aspect of kaw. They compete with stats.

    Kawers who never have to bank, buy 10 of thousands of pots, use 100's of billion of gold on something other than upgrades.

    Those same people who were outraged because an event cost them a little gold. Gold that they shouldnt need to secure by banking.

    Players who dont understand why forums are filled with topics that address problems with inflation and excessive promos.

    Those are some personal characteristics that i feel describes an "eb fairy"

    Tnt's post is pretty spot on. I wouldnt doubt that the majority of pvp tupe players agree with him.

    Pvp players, there are alot of them and they are some, if not the most, faithful players to the kaw franchise. Financially also.

    Simple, all aspects of kaw should have their influence on a kingdoms growth.

    If this possible requirement is the way to access new lands and they think its unfair. Well its not like it really matters, why do they need stats if you dont hit other players anyhow.

    Kaw would cave to the non pvp class of players. Though i feel the devs already set a deadline and profit goal they want and thats the real end of kaw.

    well, im pretty sure ive voiced more than most care to read through so ill just hit the submit button now.
  8. I see no hate on this thread.
    Ur imagining it bro n nothing more.
    U sure like throwing the HATE word around
  9. Well said Twinky
  10. Snide remarks, showing in my news feed, throwing opinions that differ are all different forms of hate.

  11. Having a different opinion than yours is hate?
  12. Well wrote Twinkie, however unfair comment hmmm. As we last seen isolation of players based off there play style is wrong. Now why wouldn't they want to grow all the same? No one put a gun to your head and made you hit Eb's to grow. Making them war for new lands is a straight forward isolation of players that do not want to war. And as for "PvP is no here because people PvE" Cry my a River Build me a Bridge and get the hell over it! This is a free game. People do as they please! Hitting other players will still let you grow! No one forced you to hit a eb to grow.
  13. Presenting it in a "Shut up already your wrong attitude" Is
  14. Ur over sensitive n throw the word hate out.
    A strong word only u chose. I've started threads n expect ppl to speak their minds. Ppl's opinions n answers r by their choice. Many ppl have both agreed n disagreed with me but thats the way of the world. I respect that or would not speak out. I've talked smack n backed off too. Its only a game after all.

    Take it all with a grain of salt bro
  15. Op. You are an idiot. I wish you were open for more than a single hit at a time. You have no clue what hate is. You are actually the most hateful person here by your own definition.
  16. The ignorance you have shown is amazing. As I have said many times, you CANNOT grow using pvp. You do not generate income in PvP.

    Multiple people have stated you have failed to comprehend and address that point, but the only response you give is "you can still hit people to grow". Again, no you can't.
  17. Hate is a strong word depending on use. To say "I hate someone or something" yes. To say people are hating on my post would be different. Try to be factually correct ;)
  18. U get an 'A' for persistence TNT 
  19. Well adjusted ppl do not throw the word HATE around so casually. For most its unacceptable when out of context.
    Many other words r available to use.
  20. By your own definition, your whole thread is hate then