Wouldn't be hard to implement, devs are already halfway there the the drop down lists on the top EB speeds and the current "Epic Battles" section, simple combining of code. They already have data on what every clans doing anyhow would just be transmitted in a condensed way to a players specific EB needs
Good idea for newer players and equipment hunters. Could also let people search for eb. May be easier if when selecting the Epic Battle tab they list eb by name and when clicked shows a list of clans doing that eb. Clicking clan can show details like it does now. Just a suggestion
I like this idea very much. I to have watched wc countless times looking for appropriate equipment ebs. Support
The fact that a lot of opposers aren't considering is out of roughly 500ebs running, only 30 are not (tsg or higher, or hte) so being able to see those 30 instead of find them n a sea of irrelevant ebs...I agree with the comments about devs making a more permanent solution to the programming...I hope this idea can act as a conduit to making that a reality! :-D