Support I am a Co owner and support this 1000% The clan owner isn't always around and sometimes I need to do stuff that requires ownership, so Yah
I don't know what you wrote but I support this change. I'm not gonna go start stripping mods like twicc but this would be a cool improvement Ata you don't have to make it like this noob said. Just make a richer clan structure Is this why Moose quit? You ignore good ideas that are easy to put in? Should I start a "where is moose" campaign?
The only thing an admin can't to that an owner can is promoting members to admins. I assume this is what you want coowner to do other than bragging rights?
After accidentally disbanding our very first clan (Future Foundation) and trusting another one (Guardians of the Galaxy) to the wrong person, I absolutely support this suggestion. I'd also like to suggest that all co-owners have to consent to disband a clan to make sure such accidents can't happen.
The clan titles should be: Owner - Can Change Titles, Grant/Remove Super Admin, Grant/Remove Admin, Kick, Change CA, Change Clan Page, Start/FF Eb, declare war, and disband clan. Super Admin - Can Change Titles, Grant/Remove Admin, Kick, Change CA, Change Clan Page, Start/FF Eb, and declare war. Admin - Can Change Titles, Kick, Change CA, Start/FF Eb.
Sometimes a great owner suddenly goes inactive due to life events (often very unfortunate events). That has happened twice in the Divine family's life. At that point, a new clan is required. Also sometimes access is lost by the owner. In an active clan, one week delay working with devs to re establish owner's access is deadly. Co-owner with full owner rights would solve those problems. Support co-owner idea as well as giving both owners all the same rights, including demoting each other. Don't trust them enough for owner? Don't give them co-owner.