hi 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Silver_The_Wolf, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. I don't know what to post here ...just that I like this game
  2. I disagree
  3. Cool, bye
  4. I don't like this game 
  5. Welcome to Kingdoms At War Op!!

    I see you have already managed to grow your kingdom at the start! But there's another thing you need to learn! It's about allies, and you need to max plunder!

    Click this , it will direct you to a thread about allies teaching you how to max plunder! That will greatly help you in growing!

    If you have any more questions, please follow me and I will do my best to point you to the right direction! Good luck! :D
  6. In BeFart Tha Luck?
  7. Ops a pretty cool guy
  8. Is there any Q's?
  9. Welcome to KaW :) we all feel the same way, kaw is an addictive game my friend. Get prepared for your personal life to be ruined and for your kaw life to take over. Hope you stick around 
  10. Nice to hear. Keep playing. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  11. This is the very first thing you have posted that has made me laughter, thank you 