Kiss Me Sweetly

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by optimal, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Nope, adding the rules as we speak. But there is no "scout bombing" allowed :| y'all can scout bomb them but it won't count.
  3. Is there a set date to the event? Or Is that being decided after the sign up?
  4. It is between Feb 7th - Feb 14th or Feb 10th - Feb 14th

    It'll be decided amongst how many participants we have. If there isn't many, then it will only be 4 days long. If there is a bunch it will be 7 days long.
  5. I saw iTunes card. I'll win 
  6. Re: `

    Ehh why not. I'll join.
  7. Ill join 
  8. I'll join cause I want the reward. :)
  9. I don't like how the rules have changed... No longer interested as it doesn't sound as fun... Just plain old farming
  10. Last year there were many found cheating, this year we are trying out something different. I welcome you to post your funny walls, because there might be a prize for the person who collected the funniest comments.
  11. Boom

    I'm looking for some people to help me:
    I need some awesome prizes,
    Some awesome people to help count actions, and some lovely people to help keep me sane.
  12. No support
  13. Your support was not asked for. If you've nothing positive to contribute then move along.
  14. Wait, so couldn't you just scout bomb a bunch of times and pass...
  15. No.
  16. Could you clarify what you mean by 'actions'?
  17. Of course, under your profile there is a section called "Battle stats". It shows how many actions you have done and how many you have lost. This is what we will be counting. It is an absolute way to keep track of how many times you hit someone. Everyday you will ss it and send it in via a third party app. And that is how points are made. The more actions you have the more "points".
  18. The colors in this thread make me perspire lemonade