1. Hello KaWmmunity, I come the forums today to ask a question that has been on my mind for some time now.

    I'm no historian but seems to me that in all the stories I've heard, books I've read, movies I've seems a kingdoms castle is its most prized building with the fortified walls, moats, draw bridges and towering keeps and spires.

    So I ask ................


    Sorry but it gnaws at me day and night that the " Crown Jewel" of my kingdom looks like the projects.

    So devs if you could be bothered to wake up your graphics team and slap that slack jawed slumber stare off their face and have them put a shine on my Castle please.

    ️️What do you folks think?
  2.  SUPPORT 
  3. I know it's been brought up many times but come on look at that pathetic pile of crap
  4. Support 100%

    Support Barracks for Humanity!

    Or revamp it and call it :
    P i m p My Castle!!

  5. Support Hate that shanty shack excuse for a castle 
  6. Major support
  7. Or better yet, add another level to the castle 
  8. a really expensive 10trillion gold upgrade! with animated laz0rs and missiles and explosions and scantily clad womens.
  9. ^No Support
  10. About the 10tril Lol
  11. Not so sure about the laZors and missiles ( seem a bit modern for a castle) but scantly clad women are a welcome site in any era 
  12. Seriously, the Stronghold of shadows looks way better than the castle when fully upgraded. Step up your graphic game KaW. 
  13. Support, add another level to make it look like a REAL CASTLE
  14. I support a level 3 colony look for the clan castle
  15. Level 4 castle upgrade confirmed?
  16. This made me lolSUPPORT️️