Kiss Me Sweetly

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by optimal, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. [​IMG]
    Ladies and Gentlemen, it's officially a new year; new start, new resolutions, new beginnings. Whilst I start this year with a fun event I hope those of you who didn't participate last year, consider joining. Those of you who do not farm, break out of your habits and explore the game how it was meant to be played. Welcome to the Second year of Kiss Me Sweetly a fun and interesting way to tell that person you hate, or tell that person you like, that you are thinking about them.

    Sign Up's end Feb 1st

    Dates will be Feb 7th - Feb 14th or Feb 10th - Feb 14th


    Things are going to be a bit different this year but will maintain the same style as the previous year. You will be farming your hearts away but not for "points" this year, we will not count disbands, complaints, or anything else to tally up points. Alas, it will be a game of actions. You will join a clan that I will give you the name of, one that will not run epics or anything else. Your "points" will be the amount of actions you have done against someone else. Yes, you could farm an inactive but that is no fun. To counter such if there are two clans of participants you will be expected to farm the other clan and no one else. You will have a certain amount of time to get into this clan before the doors are locked and anyone who didn't make it is removed from the game. If there are more than 100 participants another clan will be made so there is an unlimited number of participants for this game. There is no maximum, no limit to how many can participate. Tell your friends, your allies, your owner, your clan because at the end of the game there will be one winner. Do you have what it takes to be the Heartbreaker?

  2. [​IMG]

    First Place
    Heartbreaker Signature
    $25 iTunes Gift Card

    Second Place

    2 Seals of the Damned
    1 Horn of Claydor

    Last Place
    Kissed Signature

    If you have something you can donate of worth, I welcome you to do such.
  3. Rules
    1. No Scouts allowed
    2. "Total Actions" under your profile will be sent in via third party apps
    3. No Min or Max Combined Stats
    4. Please fight fairly, nobody likes a cheater to win
  4. Wait so how does this work? The red made my eyes trippy lol
  5. Is that a better color?

    It's a farming event hun :)

    Because I do not have time for you today, nor any time else. As you could not keep on topic last thread, this is your one and only warning if you do not keep your comments to yourself. I will get a mod to kick you off if you do not listen.
  6. I was simply stating on how you ripped off a good idea and turned into a kissy face game
  7. What will we win? Role play? Please?
  8. Support sounds good!
  9. Okay I'm on my way over jester.
  10. Seriously, if y'all can't keep on topic please leave. There are some sweet prizes this year. And I would not want people to lose the chance to win them because of y'all.
  11. I'm in , I loved last year's KMS
  12. Still with this intermass knock off event???
  13. The grand prize is kissy faces on your wall
  14. So we have one participant.


    Mods have been informed to remove those who cannot stay off after being told to leave.
  15. I'm down
  16. You both were told to leave, leave or you will be banned from forums, enough said. Btw I I'm against RP and would rather not do RP, the point of this idea is for people to hit each other, not pin on ebs or RP.
  17. This doesn't sound anything like last year :(

    I dunno if I will participate or not yet.
  18. Winner makes jesters next retirement thread man. The prize was decided in the last rp farming thread. I think we also decided DirtyLarry is running it. So he pretty much has to be in the thread.
  19. Support to KMS 2.0, I like the change from wall cries to just actions! Gives it it's own style and separates it from PE's Farmfest!

    I always enjoy your events Jester! Support to you and those who play!

    Keep the fun alive
    One player ran event at a time!