Removing Crystal Limit During Promo

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by OhSquishy, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Support only because I was told to :}
  2. Triple support!! Hahaha
  3. Support
  4. multiplied by a support of zero. Cmon guys no support to this
  5. I support this if it is an option that each player has that has to be manually enabled or disabled
  6. Support 
  8. alts! when mochi was up i could solo all of tier one and just sit in a clan solo dolo

    though it would be cool to have a single handed achieve for hte. like what a tril with pb's on?
  9. Support 
  10. support. I love xstals
  11. Yeah what squidward said 
  12. "D-A" from Lounge of Legends supports, he isn't allowed to post to forums because that would break clan rules.
  13. Support even though u hate me 
  14. Support.. NO LIMITS!!