REMOVE 10%-50% PB petition

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Come_Inside, Dec 30, 2014.

  1. Anony, are you seeing wc right now?
  2. It's random it's fair it's great for the whole clan so why are you complaining ?
  3. LOL random numbers much? Did you pull those out from somewhere other than your ass?

    'We are giving a lot to the devs' oh is forcing you to buy anything. Has it also not occurred to you that perhaps the price point is fair given these so called 500 clans that are opening sacks every single hour?

    500 clans :D
  4. No Support.

    To be honest OP, I don't see a problem of getting low gifts from Spirit War Stockings.

    After all, it's part of the Christmas Event. Appreciate what is given to you!

    Don't be greedy!
  5. I mean im not giving money. I have spent my fair share in my time.

    But i look at wc at least once every 5 minutes and there is no less than 10 updates in wc.

    i have seen up to 15 at once, and usually wc moves too fast to see anything beyond 2 minutes.

    And thats just my region. There is a whole other wc that most ppl seem to forget.

    So in essence, averaging 250 or more every hour is not a stretch. 500 may be, but i guarantee there are hours where 500 is hit.

    So... keep saying im wrong. I have shown my evidence. Now show yours.
  6. You havent shown any evidence, just hearsay.

    My point is far more valid. If as many people are buying sacks as you say, then the price must be considered fair as otherwise people wouldn't buy them.

    Seems pretty obvious to me.
  7. WC currently showing two purchases across 10 minutes.

    But hey, lets not let arbitrary data collection get in the way of THE CONSPIRACY!!!
  8. I just signed my screen in support 
  9. $7 for 200%? Well many times when ones opened 1-2 maybe even 3 ppl get over 200% worth $7-14-21? Yea sucks the buyer doesn't get much but helps the clan if they got rip of lower ones Devs would make it cost more then just $10. Also this way u have the ability to get 1000% big risk big possible reward though highest I seen is 500% but haven't really been looking.
  10. No support.

    Yes you may have gotten 10% but your clan probably got 5000%

    Which is worth the money.

    Its a gamble youre not going to win everytime. Dont like then dont spend money on it.
  11. Its an xmas gift to your clan... not something u buy for ur self you greedy nubs :lol:
  12. Update isnt limited to one wc and currently i see 6 sacks in 12 minutes
  13. It is not given to pay for it.
  14. You pay for it as a gift for your clan... dont be greedy
  15. The sad part is, even if the devs made the changes you asked for in the beginning you would still be complaining it was not enough. Just reading the thread the devs wrote about it was enough for me to decide that I wouldn't be buying one but can see why others might want to
  16. As a few people have mentioned, Crux Chests give plunder to a SINGLE PLAYER while Spirit Plunder Sacks give a plunder spell to AN ENTIRE CLAN. Because of this, to keep the price at a point where it's not prohibitively expensive lower plunder spells were included. If we were to get rid of the lower tiers the value of the entire sack (and it's price) would jump dramatically.

    Think of these as for a greater good. You're giving your entire clan a gift and not just you.
  17. sure. ignore the fact that plunder chests last twice as long and that crux chests can be activated when wanted. ignore the fact that most of the people that receive the boost are not online to use them. keep pretending like the sacks have the value you set for them. see how many i buy. :lol:
  18. Wow greedy much? Be happy the devs are doing anything.
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