Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by TheFrozenShogun, Dec 30, 2014.

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  1. [​IMG]

    Bunchie For president 2k15
    *legalization of Marijuana
    *stripper poles and a personal stripper of your choice in home
    *Free chicago style deep dish pizza for life
    *President of America first, next World Domination
    * july 1st will be national harlem shake day
    * Sacrificing of virgins aproved by Bunchie
    * all for right to bear arms
  2. #InB4NoOneCares
  3. What's your stance on arming bears?
  4. So in other words......you're a no life
  5. opinion on nuking other countries for the fun of it?
  6. Bunchie is all for nuking other countries for entertainment
  7. I think you're a few years late to the party.
  8. Bunchie believes there's no such thing as too many guns and/or ammo for for one person to own
  9. Bunchie is love, Bunchie is life
  10. Jesus is right. But then again, bunches have risen again many more times than he.
  11. But bunchies have always been annoying. Dragon Eggs are better . Where's Benty? 

  12. Bentie is satan
  13. Jesus approves of satan?!?
  14. But not bunchie!?
  15. I suppose that lets you know how bad bunchies really are.
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