@TNT, I told you this is a new account. You too dumb to understand that? I'm losing brain cells trying to explain stuff to you. You and Larry don't seem to understand basic facts
Whereas your other account? Maybe if we add them both up, devs will make a 1300 steals badge just for you.
Beer your a mong and will always be a mong. New age has no outside supports besides guys who are getting pounded on by the same people, thats why you think New age has supporters.
Beside your time with the worms, you've been here all by yourself and you are doing ok, right? Why would na (or any other clan) need cheerleaders on the side?
Lol broke down bear and valerie sound like a couple of school girls. Just lingering around pushing the refresh button hoping someone wants to talk with them. quite funny. And they still have no idea what they're still doing here. Ha.
Says the idiot who has done nothing on this thread but call people haters and prove to the world how stupid he is. I love your posts bud please don't stop.
Can't remember an OSW I've won? LOL funniest statement of the year. I could say the same, past 2 years you've juat been running wars and throwing the matches to try scrape together some mith
Funniest thread I seen in along time. Good job op two difrent post of the same thing and the banter is still going.