Pure EVil strips Zaft council as Xmas gift

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by DRAGON-CODE, Dec 29, 2014.

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  1. Staying out of forums was a Zaft rule. And though Laoda is no longer the Queen of Zaft, I respect that the elder leaders still hold to her directives.
  2. The rule was refrain from posting forum and no you wasn't kicked stripped or farmed if you did post lol
  3. My story was much more interesting ️
  4. During? No it was a couple months after the war.

    And really good try Larry, you just have to be accurate next time. My reset had nothing to do with war, and its quite easy to prove if you really want me to.

    Also, before you make another thing up, let's take a look at your embarrassing history, shall we?
  5. OP told you to leave
  6. To be honest I see both sides to the 800 bill strip and the strip on bomanator, the strip on bom in my eye will always be remembered because it was sneaky and devious and actually cost a couple of accounts real money to strip, quite a bit of one accounts daddy's money especially. Also that was a couple of family's/alliances so not just one clan of a small group of clans it was probably as much as 1400 accounts involved.

    The 800 bill strip will be remembered because it was brave done by a few accounts who obviously don't spend all the food money on a tap tap game and there was alot more butthurt involved by the look of these screenshots, as TNT mentioned 800 bill - 1.5 trill strips are done these days inbetween strips so they are nothing and most strips like that don't dignify a wall post but this particular strip got more then a wall post and made a few people see other accounts in a different light.

    This is my personal outlook on the situation. Fair play to guys playing Kingdoms at war as a war game and not treating it like kingdoms at pillow fights. 
  7. Im pretty sure it was during war. Why would we care if it was after osw? U were in ca at that time
  8. Lol, he posts this after I've been off the thread for 9 hours. A real genius this guy!

    Sax, what's difficult to understand about harb saying he knows people that were in osw before you downloaded Kaw? Seems a simple statement. But then again you are with jano...

    Jano, lol you reset mid osw? And you asked me to get information about you from my superiors? If I were you I wouldn't want people digging in my past, that's for sure.

    Hardened vet you are...
  9. Well put fenyang. Except kingdoms at pillow fights, because that is what I'm playing.
  10. The fact is anyone who says they don't hit epics is lying because if you want strength and the stats you are forced to hit epic, but it's nice to war aswell alot more fun, when I'm in epic mode gaining funds etc i log on hit epic and can stay quite for weeks. Anyway staying on topic any strip like this gets my attention.

  11. Forum noob? ToU states that if OP tells you to leave the thread then you leave. Now bye bye
  12. You get these facts from a no named clown. Why don't you ask someone in iG if I reset during a osw. All I've seen on this thread is made up lies. Zero assumptions have been accurate. Like said, I can prove everything. You? Nothing
  13. You reset then started hatin from the sidelines. Everyone seems to remember this but you
  14. Nah, ask someone in iG council if I reset during a war. Til then keep enjoying yourselves.

    And Larry, you have a lot of posts to respond to. I see you have ignored all three
    I wonder why.
    U R a Nobody
  15. If I am a nobody then why are you guys trying to claim fame off my name?

    You are only a somebody because you had an epic fail reset that everyone noticed.

    What posts do you want me to respond to?

    Yea I was stripped. I said good job to the strippers, they earned a right to banter on my wall..

    but similar to Harbinger I asked that the little noob cheerleaders stay off my wall.

    Nice job on the strip Mickey but guys do me a favor.. Don't try to say PE did anything, it's an inactive dead clan.. Atleast let me have the comfort in knowing I was stripped by a real clan. Don't steal NA's credit
  16. Dead,I applaud your effort in trying to appear somewhat smart, unfortunately the tou does not state that.

    The ROC however...


    I can respond if am mentioned...which I was.

    Where do they find you guys? No place intelligent, that's for sure.
  17. Jano was in PE till the end of the IG war. After the war we tried to get him to not reset. Not being argumentative. Just stating what really happened
  18. TNT you Lol'd at me for three "ignorant assumptions". Look at your genius ally at Fury making assumptions. Count how many there are please. You too scared to insult your alliance because of papa ireg? #4

    @Larry I'm referring to wib's post, selfie's, and mine in the middle of pg 13
  19. My embarrassing history? Please share.. And if I am a nobody how do you know so much about me


    And I don't see a post by selfie
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