Idea: Clan Administrator Icon for CC

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by DSCore, Dec 22, 2014.

  1. No need to say more.
  2. support. admins and owners could use a few more options to help manage clans, a clan lettering system that can pm members or just other admin all at once would also be an excellent addition, many clans with fast changing ca's would benefit greatly from the added communication abilities.
  3. Support. It's a simple yet good idea
  4. Support! :mrgreen:

  5. Support if u are an admin so what if u don't want admin worsless.
  6. Support...
  7. I have yet to see a valid reason not to support this. If someone that doesn't support would give a reason that would be great. As of now I think your just crazy.
    There definitely needs to be some quality of life updates to clans as well as some others.


    I want bananas next to the name
  10. Devs will never implement this but I wish they would :roll: