Pure EVil strips Zaft council as Xmas gift

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by DRAGON-CODE, Dec 29, 2014.

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  1. Yea you were never much for OSW before but now you seem to hang in there like all the other alts

    But yea you ran from oG vs wdgaf 1
  2. You got the wrong guy. Never been in any oG clan
  3. True
  4. Ouch...that was a fun osw too. You ran? Shame.
  5. Yea remember him on runner list
  6. Both statements are wrong

    Also, you believe everything you hear? Moron
    Never ran from anything. Have fun making stuff up
  7. Dude was a war runner and suddenly wants our respect? Smh
  8. Please show me this list and the clan I was from. Prize 50 seals
  9. Wow Larry..

    You sure make a fine job here making yourself and Fury look like complete tools

    Probably a good idea to have a chat with your superiors at camp Fury before you come and embarras them more️

    One would think stripping 11T off such an osw great such as you.. Wouldnt warrant such an active trolling on our tiny insignificant thread️

    Maybe few of the old iG in ya clan can tell you if Jano has ever been in any wars..

    But hey, whatever rocks your boat. We at PE have always appreciated our fans no matter how much or little they suck.. Fan is a fan!!
  10. Larry's still mad about being stripped by sic noc and then instead of fighting back he ran and whined like the bad ass he thinks he is...

    No support. Noob. Get some new material you idiot
  11. Larry seems so mad.

    You better turn off that mad. Bro. Before you get supermad.
  12. Pure evil well done, strip more zaft ppl. Hope u all can strip harbringer_ of_wrath.
  13. TNT are you sure you aren't an alt of Harbinger_of_stupidity? Your dribble sounds a lot like his.

    Actually if you are his alt can you translate whatever he was trying to say "I know people that been in osw before you download KaW". What does that even mean? Though I can hardly blame him for being stressed and writing crap, as I'm sure he'd just realised that whilst he was plastering his own wall with rage graffiti, we were busy stripping Larry. Then again could Harpo care less? Nope, just like he couldn't care that his clanmate got stripped off the ally leaderboard; and do you want to know why? Because he "know people that been in osw before you download KaW"

    Now despite my 2 year achievement, I've been in a couple of OSW's and the one thing I never down play is the loses taken by my clanmates. But hey I'm obviously an OSW noob. To me saying crap like Harpo does, just shows how much respect he has for the people he fights alongside. Yes he was trying to insult me, but in reality he was insulting his own, and in time they'll work that out.
  14. I read the last thread and now this one too...it seems to be mostly NA plugging themselves and random 1v1 "who's the bigger man" arguments...what I haven't seen is lots of these supposedly butthurt zafties jumping in to defend their reputation.

    I liked the idea, and it seems to have started out all in fun, but now contrasted with controlled silence from zaft, this marketing frenzy of a thread is really kinda working to make NA look a bit immature and desperate.
  15. I totally agree
  16. All i remember was Jano resetting during iG vs PE osw (new name was skilla). What was the reason again? "Tired" of kaw? For me thats the same as running from osw

  17. I don't know if this rule still stands, laoda wouldn't let any zaft members post on forums. He believed zaft were to upmarket for that (igronence is bliss in other words) any zaft that were caught doing so would be kicked, stripped and farmed. Like I said I Don't know if this still stands. But there's one reason zafts are not here. They do plenty of reading though ️
  18. Jano = reset queen

    That's two wars you did that in

  19. I only know of one, which was the second?
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