about spam button in wars as there is in eb

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by angel-of-love-, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. I'll do it for you, as a Christmas present

    20/20/11 assn pinned
    5/5/11 scout spies 0'd
    OP is noob
  2. No no no no no no no. NO.
  3. OP attack 12/12 np
  4. Don't need spam button, noob.

    Lag who ko you instantly with repeat action.
  5. "spam targets"...

    you should fire your pc/pr people.
  6. no support if u lag ur koed before u can do anything
  7. no. Its gonna make war the new EB for people with fast ass internet.
  8. I used to have 264Mb per second download speed

    My friend from a 3rd party forum site ruined it when staff initiation came around :lol: :(
  9. First of all love the effort

    Second love your spelling skills even with spell check you failed

    Third go reset
  10. No support for this stupid ass idea but support for all these posts :D :D

  11. No support in a different language?

  12. Depends on point of view. The whole game is tap tap. So the only real way to bring a little skill into the mix is by keeping the things players control that affect outcomes. The ability to efficiently hit others is one of those controlling factors.
  13. Totally agree with queen, but if devs wanna try it out....then let me have the only button for the next 6 months so I can "experiment" for them. Lmao
  14. As much as I like this idea I don't at the same time
  15. Please do this devs support
  16. support but at the same time no support

  17. u dont even war u eb fairy