Cosa Nostra - recruiting.

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by TheNeo, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. And like it or not, Ahdragos was fairly well known as a good OSWer. Perhaps one shouldn't focus on their ego so much, but that's hardly reason to disparage the clan as a whole.

    It's like calling GrumpyEric and old iG noobs for that legendary myth thread (one of my personal favorites). Just because it's a bit braggadocios in its delivery, it's simply recounting what happened and what the plans are. And that thread in particular, did it wonderfully.
  2. Is crowsfeet saying he's like old iG now? What was he saying about posturing again?
  3. were not looking for things to insult you with, we have no need if we were, youre supplying plenty. you keep talking about us being noobs and how were comical to you, youre in a clan called the end, to signify the end of your relevence probably. you sit and hit ebs all day which you fail, because no other clan in the game would accept someone as prepubecent as yourself. youre talking a huge load in forums trying to get some amount of attention from onlookers when in reality youre bringing more attnetion to our recruitment thread, thanks by the way. its christmas and youve obviously got nothing better to do than attempt to cause us issues youre failing. yes i insulted your social life because youve made it apparent you dont have one. i wished you a happy holidays earlier, i retract that, send my regards to whoever funds the credit card running your account and your mouth.
  4. Cool story chaos. No amount of sad comebacks or attempted insults can take away what your clan owner has put out there.

    Yes, I must be x, y, and z because I'm on here on Christmas. Good thing you're not, right?

    See I don't have to find things to say about you. Your clan leader and every cosa noob that posts here makes a fool of themselves. Carry on...
  5. Don't mention barcode again. He'll stay off. Carry on folks.

    *Wasn't posturing chub. Using that as an example. And either way, didn't I say we were all posturing somehow?
  6. Barcode. You're basically calling addy out for immersing himself and crusty nostril in the game. Why don't you take a look at any war clan recruitment thread and you will find they all do the same.

    Sweat and blood
    Etc, etc
    You've clearly had the realisation of the utter fruitlessness of the whole game at large, so instead of just takings break from kaw, you undermine others for their enjoyment and immersion in the game.

    You're just a hater is all. You should move on.
    Bump for crusty nostril
  7. I just bumped the kotfe illuminati recruitment thread for you to disseminate and undermine, even though we both know you won't, out of fear. Fear of reprisal on a phone app, as you fondly call it.
  8. Yup. I guess we won't be doing any trash talking on here then... I did choose to be here, and I agree with it. Tangra is like 3 times our size and losing...
  9. I Doubt they're losing, squirrel is the most active hitter and she mostly fails,I suppose the rest of the smaller spy alts with terrible bfe fail harder when active
    I'd like to see the list of the strip targets and the trillions stripped
  10. Check out ahdys goodbye in best of coyote..great thread.. on cr they been here
  11. If only you'd looked at my wall before spouting your nonsense. People actually "fear reprisal" on here? Or is that just you and your build drops? I'm very clear as to why I'm on this thread. As soon as kotfe wall rages like Ahdy I'll be there to point it out and laugh. They won't, they're an actual war clan, unlike the cosa noobs.
  12. The comedy of it all, as you put it is that you keep raging on, not a phone app game, as you stated numerous times, but the forum of a phone app game.

    That's rich. Really.
  13. I enjoy kaw and forums, so there isn't any reason why I wouldn't be here. Yes, I'm clearly raging. Your skills of observation are incredible.

    Comedy? Comedy is your running, build drops and "perm farms" Allison. You know, all those people you threatened to farm then stop hitting after a day? Watching you make a fool of yourself isn't amusing anymore, unfortunately, it's been done to death here.
  14. You're the only fool on this thread barcode. Pissing and whining on another players recruitment thread because you lack the skills required to make your own,

    Pissing and whining old, used and worn out insults about me like they matter. I've heard it all before, except that until now i hadn't heard it from you. Who are you? Nobody. That's who.
  15. This is what I like to see! Go on selfie, rage some more...
  16. Your retorts are becoming a little sad and flimsy. Try again
  17. Dang you ran out already? Better luck next time Ally

    You should probably go make a thread about someone you're going to farm forever (and then stop after a couple days), because that's about all you have going for you. Oh, and build dropping to run away, you've got that locked down also.
  18. You already said that. Now you're just repeating yourself. I'm done here. Enjoy yourself barcode, this is clearly your forum debut and forum finally. You will be well remembered for you lack of wit and cynissism.
  19. Thank you, I am very much enjoying myself. Why would anyone care how they're "remembered" on a video game? Are you taking crazy pills?
  20.  thanks guys