This kind of stuff is comedy gold! Not as good as his and minajas wall, but exactly the stuff I come to forums to read and laugh at. What are you going to do if someone "pops off", play kaw? Hit the attack or spy buttons? Maybe more than once?
Yes! This is the kind of reply I'd expect from a cosa noob. I bet you make Ahdy proud. You are the toughest phone app'ers I've had the fortune of running into
1) Why does everyone sound the same when they hate? 2) Why is telling an essentially statless alt to post with a bigger account if they intend on trash-talking "noob rage"? 3) Why is being in a particular clan grounds for being a noob? A bit over generalizing I think. 4) Why no holiday cheer? 5) Quiet. You want to discredit us, fight us. You're clearly big enough, and we're little old, out of date, past our "prime" noobs. 6) Calling someone a noob for posturing on a tap-tap game is not advisable when you're doing the same. Though granted so am I, and so is practically everyone. At least everyone that talks. You occasionally see those fairy build complete accounts with a dozen forum posts and wonder how the blazes EBs kept their interest...
And please, I'd appreciate a response other than: "Lolz u noobs, u so funny, u think ur tough. Haha. I so much better I so much tougher."
Me? Yes, HTE growth has helped me grow. Also, full pots help me not lose battles. Also, these folks at Tangra don't really attack back. Every now and then I'll get a few assassinations, maybe a sprinkle of steals, but that's about it. *I'm sure the OSF with hundreds of thousands to over a million battle losses are the PvP legends then?
Cosa noob just has a nice sound to it, and it fits since noobs wall rage. If you can't read your owners tough talking on his and a few other walls and laugh, then clearly you belong there. Like this quote. "Called in personal favors" Is this a phone app or is this the mafia? He kept it quit though because he didn't want to shame Allison, what a good person Lookout people, this one might come after you personally (i.e., play kaw) I'm not hating on your clan, just enjoying the glorious reading you cosa noobs have put out for all to read and laugh at. Merry Christmas!
Dudes trying to make fun of us for taking an iPhone game too seriously and has 330k battles won. That's a lotta xtals or time.
Wow, you are still clueless as to why I'm laughing at you. It really only makes this better. It has nothing to do with taking a game seriously. But if what I've pointed out is your definition of taking a game seriously, then it only reenforces what I've said about you cosa noobs. Thanks for pointing out how hard you're struggling to find things to make fun of me with. All you could come up with is my battles won. Good job champ, it cuts me deep Now go read your owners wall and laugh with me. I know tangra is. What were you hoping to do, tough talk them to death? So old school of you
lol reading the newbies comments of costra nostra gives me jokes. 2 weeks ago -sword- who now has left c.n put me in c.a as clan farm . ha that lasted 1-2 days.and then it ceased . the only ones that hit me were the guests and then they all left also . all the ones acting hardcore from c.n are new into that clan in the last 2 weeks . i wonder why they come n go.They all love to front it but i totally agree with barcode. the low battle wins/loses versuses thier big stats dont tally up for thier what is thier first love. they just want to be where the big kaw names are rather than where the fighting is. then when the osw gets in full swing you watch them run like -sword- did.
chubby, you were new to wars once as well. everyone was, where some people choose to make there start isnt your concern. barcode, youre an annoyance please disapear like your social life, youre making yourself look like a huge loser. thanks and roni a runner is a runner, every clan has them until they weed em out. now, as this is a recruitment thread, not a thread for you to spew your ignorance and unwanted "insults" you can leave now.
Because anyone can tell people to leave a thread, not the op. Unwanted insults? As opposed to wanted ones? I'm laughing at your clan and it's owner, for things anyone can go look and laugh at. Your comeback is my social life? It's pretty clear there is nothing meaningful you cosa noobs can say about me. Keep trying though, it's looking better and better. I'm going to continue talking about what the op has posted in their own thread. If that bothers you, maybe you should have picked a better clan.
Pray tell then. Il be the first to say that forum warrior is what I do, so let's do this. Explain to us, what are you making fun of us for? Also, I just stated I have no idea who you are. What should I make fun of you about? I already called you a no life, so that's about it here. Who are you? Why do you care about us? Why don't you try to fight us since you think you're such a big man in an iPhone app.. Which seems to be what you're making fun of us for. Last I read ahdys wall it was our cf terms. Doesn't seem too funny to me, esp since tangra doesn't seem to be doing much.
Also if anyone in Cosa Nostra doesn't want trash talk on here, tell me. Iv been kicked from a clan for that :C
Ok I'll try again. Here is an example that is on minaja's wall from your clan owner: "I don't care that you're whiny over 3 bl hits. Don't (blocked word) threaten me though. You have no (blocked word) clue who I am kid" HILARIOUS. "This is not a fight you or tangra wants. You'll get dumpstered" YES! That's very revealing about their demographic and intelligence level. Really I just read some stuff he wrote and couldn't stop, it's pure comedy. Then to see it in forums, the same tough talk, was icing on the cake. I'm not hating, slandering, or targeting your clan. I'm just enjoying the quality of people and what they've written for all to see. If you don't see the humor in this, that's understandable. After all, you chose to be there.
I believe the "dumpstering" was in response to Minaja, not the brightest of lads. And ever think a movie or song was good that the next guy didn't quite? Humor is like that. Simply not finding something funny doesn't mean you're any less intelligent than the next guy. We all have different tastes.