Event reward list!

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by llR_-I-_Pll_Delta_llR_-I-_Pll, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. 1 xtal, 500% bonus
  2. I got 500% while I was sleeping
  3. 1 xstal and 10 of both pots
  4. 1xtal.... Pretty much it
  5. 50% plunder rum spell...alt and main
  6. Just got 500%
  7. 200% plunder
  8. Just opened my stocking! And you'll never guess what I got!!!!

    10 beards. A whole entire 10 beards fwm KaW
  9. Anyone else with a banner? Please say
  10. I know 4 ppl with banner so far in the game but no one with a blue banner yet still.
  11. I have had 500% plunder bonus.

    PandaGeorge has had 500% 4! Freakin times!

    Jedi Maestro has had 500% drop for him as well.
  12. 500 x1, 200 x2, 50 x2, 25 x1, 10 x too many to remember.
  13. 500% plunder, I have ss for proof :D
  14. 10 pudding
  15. Best I've had so far is 50% plunder bonus.
  16. Just got 500% from stocking