Spirit of War: Merry Mischief (UPDATED)

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. Re: Spirit of War: Merry Mischief

    Well the devs hate you so you're not getting one! (́)
  2. Re: Spirit of War: Merry Mischief

    All the RL $ I spend on KAW, I open bundle
  3. Re: Spirit of War: Merry Mischief

    This promo sux, only ppl getting any thing are devs. EXTREMELY RARE MEANS NOTTA AT ALL ... Gonna quit this game real soon
  4. Re: Spirit of War: Merry Mischief

  5. Re: Spirit of War: Merry Mischief

    You got to be kittin me... lol spend $10.00 and get 1% chance on banner and 99% chance of thngs you probably dont want or need. I got PUDDING!!!! Who gives PUDDING for xmas? I think ill be more content buy a chicken quesadilla and some horichata for $5.00 than spending $10.00 on here atleast 
  6. Re: Spirit of War: Merry Mischief

    Just noticed something the banner don't say not enchantable so are they?
  7. Re: Spirit of War: Merry Mischief

    I JUST HLBC cause of 500% plunder spell. THANKS
  8. Re: Spirit of War: Merry Mischief

    Only the people that spend the most will get one. Don't anybody realize that from all the other events? This is not like oh we love our players special gift merry Christmas to all enjoy, no this isent that. This is the ones who have the most money we got something special for you and you only. Nobody else matters to us.
  9. Re: Spirit of War: Merry Mischief

    Only the people that spend the most will get one. Don't anybody realize that from all the other events? This is not like oh we love our players special gift merry Christmas to all enjoy, no this isent that. This is the ones who have the most money we got something special for you and you only. Nobody else matters to us.
  10. Re: Spirit of War: Merry Mischief

    First off you're ******* dumb. Second you don't have to spend money to get the banner there is no certain requirement just luck. Third the devs are doing a favour by giving us free stuff all you want is more and pound the devs for doing something good.
  11. Re: Spirit of War: Merry Mischief

  12. Re: Spirit of War: Merry Mischief

    One of my clannies got banner off my first sack. So he got it for free. Deal with it.
  13. Re: Spirit of War: Merry Mischief

    This is why we can't have nice things

    Devs give us free things, people complain it's not good enough
  14. Re: Spirit of War: Merry Mischief

    Only ignorant children, or complete idiots would have that kind of thought process. What part of rare/legendary don't people understand. They aren't just going to hand the banners out, that wouldn't be fun at all. Just be grateful they are actively putting new things out and giving you the chance to get one, every 24 hours for FREE.

    Oh and to the OWWN noob who thinks anyone cares about you rage quitting because you don't like getting free things. Newsflash. We don't.
  15. Re: Spirit of War: Merry Mischief

    Law as we know it as gone to the dogs this is ridiculous where do you come up with this crap do u have a bunch of leprechauns caged giving you these crap ideas or were you thrown out of a moving truck when you were a baby get a grip for God's sake your killing the game
  16. Re: Spirit of War: Merry Mischief

    Player A: "The only people who will get the good stuff are those who spend money!"

    Player B: "I spent money on those bags and I haven't gotten crap!"

    Does anyone ELSE see the conflict in these two statements because I have seen different players say both.

    Someone who spends money in life will have the advantage over those that don't in just about every aspect of life. Does anyone expect different from Kaw which is part of the entertainment business?

    But in this particular case it may NOT be true. There have been reports from players who spent money on these bags yet OTHER players in their clans got more than the original buyer.
  17. Re: Spirit of War: Merry Mischief

    Tbh I spent $40 on the holiday sacks, I got 10% from all of them but when the other players in my clan purchased them I had received a 200%, 100%, and a few 50%. It's just a lot of give and take, just hope you're not the only one in your clan buying sacks
  18. Re: Spirit of War: Merry Mischief

    Not all my members got gifts from the 99nob sock. :mad:
  19. Re: Spirit of War: Merry Mischief

    I think the banners should be more decorative on the actual banner part ️
  20. Re: Spirit of War: Merry Mischief

    A lot of people love to say things like this without knowing or just dont care.

    for thoses who dont know, but regularly complain about how everything is just ata being greedy, you might find what ill be posting next interesting.

    Jan. 2012

    http://thinkgaming.com/app-sales-data/8 ... ms-at-war/

    todays daily income projection: $12,535

    today is an ordinary day. Few days ago that number was at $16,000 projected.

    ~$150.00 a day spending limit.


    i think that limited amount of info is enough to make a reasonable judgment.

    We all have our days when we complain about the cost of some things here and there but, some kawers are just winy ass, broke dick, non social, misery loving pricks that spend more time SEARCHING for reasons to complain than just playing the game.