Event reward list!

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by llR_-I-_Pll_Delta_llR_-I-_Pll, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. Got 5 inferno on both this and one other acct.
  2. Aeonmeleka 1000% !!!
  3. Mine was a 200% and 50% o.o 2 separate things
  4. Please read all of OP
  5. 10 beards and 10% pb×2
  6. Ah. Sorry about that.
  7. NP

    Will update in morning.. Working on a bigger thread
  8. Ok quick update actually.. Our first banner has been found!
  9. Bold my name Delta. pweeeeease
  10. Inferno and a 10% bonus
  11. I'll bold anyone's name who tells me how I can link the list of names to people's profiles
  12. 10% plunder here