Hazzy's Hideout

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hazzernater, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. After years of searching, I have found the secret hideout! Now everyone out your hands up!
  2. will soon ask "what is a sluard?"
  3. Lol I know what that is, I have researched you all, I have been sent to destroy you!
  4. :shock: Sluards cannot die.... we just come back with one more :ugeek:
  5. Muahahahh, you do not know what I have in my arsenal!
  6. is it a Prius? I bet it's a Prius!

    Also captain obvious license plate...
  7. Damnit

  8. some of my favorite people are sluards
  9. you really do drive a Prius?
  10. what do you guys have planned for Christmas ? Any fun traditions? What do sluards do for the holidays?
  11. :roll: The only holidays Sluard recognizes is the day when a new Nicolas Cage film comes out. we usually spend the week leading up to this day binge watching every Nic Cage movie from his beginning films up to the newer ones, then we buy out the whole theater so every Sluard can watch the movie... After we go back to Sluard # 47's house to discuss how great the movie was and then we rewatch every movie starting from the most recent to the oldest of Nic Cage films.
  12. I never do anything for Christmas 
  13. Hazzernator, I am celebrating Christmas this year by contributing one Seal Of The Damned to someone needy! Look at Secret Snowflakes 2014!!
  14. What is the sluard stance on the hippie hoards invading America ?I have seen Prius even in rural mid west! These hippies need to find a job! And a decent American made car or truck or creeper van.
  15. Sup Sean, you're a real nice guy you know that.

    Btw what's everyone gonna be doing over Christmas/New Year?
  16. I am spending it with my oldest daughter and her boy toy.
    i hope you have a very merry Christmas Hazzy! I hope everyone here has a great holiday.Even the Prius driven hippie horde should have one
  17. Thanks stl, you too mate. I'm having mine with my family whilst I'm home from uni. Only negatives are not being at uni and being away from my girlfriend 
  18. I am just hanging out with my parents for Christmas.
  19. For christmas sheldor will be making the ritual sacrifice to the emu of wonder while the king of the sluards makes sheldor a sammich. After that its time for the annual streaking initiative across shadys lawn. This begins the pilgrimage to canada for the holy maple syrup.
  20. I thought so Sheldor